Queen City Church
Queen City Church | Cincinnati, OH
We found 5 episodes of Queen City Church with the tag “future”.
Joy To The World - “Reminders”
December 8th, 2024 | 37 mins 48 secs
future, heaven, joy, past, philippians, reminders, righteous, righteousness
As the fast pace of the Christmas season begins, it's easy to feel like you have lot your joy. The Book of Philippians focuses on the theme of joy in every circumstance. In week three of the series, Pastor Brian shares four of Paul's reminders that can guide us toward experiencing true joy.
God’s Vision For Your Life - “What Is God’s Vision For Your Life?”
August 11th, 2024 | 33 mins 29 secs
disciple, exodus, freedom, future, israel, israelites, purpose, redeem, vision
During this series, we’ll explore how God calls us to fulfill our mission. In week one, Pastor Brian outlines the four foundational elements of God’s vision for us; the same ones God shared with the Israelites in the book of Exodus.
Dare To Hope
January 7th, 2024 | 35 mins 12 secs
discouraged, encouraged, future, hope, hopeless, joy, lamentations, portion
When you find yourself in a perpetual struggle of some kind, the choice to give in and give up hope can be so tempting. But as followers of Jesus, we know we are not going to lose our hope, because we have not lost our God. This week, Pastor Jason Laird joins us with a message teaching what to do in a seemingly hopeless situation.
Folding = Flexing
April 4th, 2021 | 25 mins 57 secs
death, easter, forgiven, future, good friday, life, resurrect, resurrection
Jesus died so that we could have life, eternal and abundant life, with Him. This Easter Sunday, Pastor Brian shares the great news of the Gospel, and how through Jesus’ resurrection, it is impossible for anything to keep its hold on you.
Can’t Steal My Joy - “Don’t Forget”
June 14th, 2020 | 27 mins 48 secs
church at home, forget the past, future, joy, know god, philippians
We all need reminders, the most important being that through knowing Jesus, we will always know joy. This week, Pastor Brian teaches on the three things Paul writes about in Philippians Chapter 3 that will help us remember to always have joy.