Queen City Church
Queen City Church | Cincinnati, OH
We found 9 episodes of Queen City Church with the tag “parable”.
Parables - “A Parable of Contrast”
March 2nd, 2025 | 42 mins 24 secs
judge, justice, parable, persistent, pray, prayer, widow
This week, we are starting a brand new series on parables. A parable is the name given for the stories Jesus would use when teaching to help illustrate a particular theme or idea. In today’s message, Lauren Sheppard opens the series with the parable of the persistent widow to show God’s desire for our own persistence in our faith and prayer life.
How To Talk To God
October 13th, 2024 | 39 mins 24 secs
desperate, gerald, parable, prayer, spirit
This week, Pastor Gerald joins us to share a message about the power of prayer. He discusses what happens when we pray, why prayer matters, and how God responds to our prayers.
Summer Voices - "God Doesn't Need Much"
July 9th, 2023 | 32 mins 23 secs
brain taylor, every nation, grow, mustard seed, parable, root
During week two of the Summer Voices series, we are joined by Pastor Brian Taylor of Every Nation Cincinnati Church. He brings a message of growth, showing how Jesus specializes in using ordinary people to do extraordinary things.
The Oaks Beyond The Pines
April 16th, 2023 | 33 mins 41 secs
counterpoint, fulfilled, growth, parable, roots, seed, sower, vanbuskirk, word
Following Jesus is a process, with the goal of progress. The foundation of following Jesus is reading and studying what He teaches in The Bible. This week we are joined by guest Pastor Chris VanBuskirk of Centerpoint Church in Chillicothe, Ohio. Pastor Chris shares the parable of the sower, and shows what it teaches about how we respond to God’s Word.
Asking For a Friend - “How Do I Become a Better Leader?”
October 17th, 2021 | 45 mins 45 secs
done, faithful, good, influence, leader, leadership, matthew, parable, servant, well
If you have influence, you have leadership, and as a leader, you will leave a legacy that lasts beyond yourself. What do you want said about your role as a leader? This week, Pastor Brian uses a phrase from a parable in the Book of Matthew to illustrate how we can live our lives more like Jesus, and in turn become a better leader.
Parables - “The Other Side Is No Longer An Option”
March 28th, 2021 | 44 mins 37 secs
care, compassion, good samaritan, hurting, love, ownership, parable, people, physical needs
The Bible tells us that loving God includes loving people. Regardless of how unequipped you may feel, God wants to, and will, use you in order to make a difference and eternal impact in the lives of others. This week, Pastor Brian shares the parable of The Good Samaritan to show why we need to live under the belief that the other side is no longer an option.
Parables - “Show Me The Money”
March 21st, 2021 | 44 mins 12 secs
argument, dating, disagreement, divorce, fight, forgive, forgiveness, healing, hope, marriage, parable, reconciliation, relationship
Jesus is clear in His teachings that forgiveness is absolutely necessary. But forgiveness can seem nearly impossible when you don’t fully understand what it means. Visiting this week from Gateway Church, guest speaker Jelani Lewis uses one of Jesus’ parables to show what forgiveness is, why forgiveness matters, and how we forgive.
Parables - “A Parable of Contrast”
March 14th, 2021 | 30 mins 14 secs
contrast, judge, parable, persistent, prayer, relationship, sacrifice, widow
When we pray persistently, without losing hope, we put our trust in God. During week two of our series, Lauren Sheppard teaches on a parable where God tells us that the purpose of prayer is simply to always pray, and never give up.
Parables - “The Seed, The Sower, and The Soils”
March 7th, 2021 | 48 mins 45 secs
crowded heart, hard heart, harvest, heart, parable, seed, shallow heart, soil, sower
The Bible says Jesus never spoke to crowds without using parables. A parable is a story, told alongside a truth, to help you understand that truth. During this new series leading up to Easter Sunday, Pastor Brian will be looking deeper into some of the parables to show us what Jesus was saying and teaching as he told these stories.