Queen City Church
Queen City Church | Cincinnati, OH
We found 3 episodes of Queen City Church with the tag “paul”.
Joy To The World - “Context Is King”
November 24th, 2024 | 33 mins 22 secs
circumstances, happiness, joy, paul, philippi, philippians
The book of Philippians is a letter from Paul reminding us that, through Jesus, we can experience joy regardless of our circumstances. This week, Pastor Brian starts a new series on Philippians, helping us better understand the context and meaning of Paul’s letter.
Can't Steal My Joy - "Follow The Leader"
May 31st, 2020 | 31 mins 6 secs
can't steal my joy, follow the leader, humble, humility, obedient, obey, paul, selfless, servant, serve
Jesus was the perfect model of how to live our lives. When we choose to follow His example, we can begin to experience life the way God intended, and experience unmatched joy. Looking at Philippians chapter 2, Pastor Brian gives three practical ways we can “Follow The Leader”, and have joy like Jesus.
Can't Steal My Joy - "Happiness vs. Joy"
May 24th, 2020 | 30 mins 17 secs
can't steal my joy, choice, enough, happiness, paul, thankful
In the book of Philippians, Paul writes over and over about the joy we all have which can’t be taken from us. And he does this while sitting in a jail cell. So how did he have such a positive heart during his negative external circumstances? In week one of our new series “Can’t Steal My Joy”, Pastor Brian begins by explaining three important differences between happiness and joy.