Queen City Church
Queen City Church | Cincinnati, OH
We found 6 episodes of Queen City Church with the tag “reconciliation”.
Teach Us To Pray - “Forgive Us Our Debts”
February 9th, 2025 | 33 mins 38 secs
debtors, debts, forgive, forgiveness, healing, reconciliation, revenge, sin
Jesus is the ultimate example of forgiveness. This week in our series on The Lord’s Prayer, Jared Blair unpacks what forgiveness truly means, and why we should seek and extend it daily.
Truly Free - "The Freedom Found In Forgiveness"
September 10th, 2023 | 37 mins 2 secs
bitterness, forgive, forgiveness, freedoms, justice, reconcile, reconciliation
Even though forgiveness is always the right choice, it isn’t always easy to do. This week, Pastor Brian teaches on the biblical connection between freedom and forgiveness, and how we cannot experience true freedom until we truly forgive.
Parables - “Show Me The Money”
March 21st, 2021 | 44 mins 12 secs
argument, dating, disagreement, divorce, fight, forgive, forgiveness, healing, hope, marriage, parable, reconciliation, relationship
Jesus is clear in His teachings that forgiveness is absolutely necessary. But forgiveness can seem nearly impossible when you don’t fully understand what it means. Visiting this week from Gateway Church, guest speaker Jelani Lewis uses one of Jesus’ parables to show what forgiveness is, why forgiveness matters, and how we forgive.
Run It Back - “Fighting Right”
August 9th, 2020 | 31 mins 25 secs
church at home, conflict, fight, fighting right, forgive, goals, reconciliation, relationships
As we continue to look back at messages from the first 100 weeks of our church, Pastor Brian revisits our relationship series: “Goals”. We all have goals for our relationships, but God also has goals for our relationships. This week, Pastor Brian talks about the goal of fighting right.
The Third Option
June 28th, 2020 | 49 mins 46 secs
division, guest speaker, miles mcpherson, race, racial recognition, reconciliation, rock church, unity
This week, we are starting a new series brought by guest speaker Pastor Miles McPherson. Miles is the senior Pastor of the Rock Church in San Diego, California, and is recognized as one of the leading voices in the church today over the topic of racial recognition.
This series is based on Pastor Miles McPherson’s book, "The Third Option".
Things Jesus Never Said - “You Don’t Need to Forgive Them”
April 19th, 2020 | 26 mins 53 secs
choices, feelings, forgiveness, hurt, reconciliation
After concluding the series “Jesus In His Own Words” where we talked about things Jesus said, we are going to be spending time looking at “Things Jesus Never Said”. This could include what we’ve heard in the past, things we think He said, or even words we would say if we were in His shoes. During week one, Pastor Brian discusses not only why we forgive, but how we forgive.