Queen City Church
Queen City Church | Cincinnati, OH
We found 8 episodes of Queen City Church with the tag “salvation”.
Joy To The World
December 22nd, 2024 | 21 mins 36 secs
birth, christmas, gospel, jesus, joy, luke, salvation, saved
Merry Christmas from Queen City Church! In Luke 2:1-11, we read the miraculous story of Jesus’ birth, bringing a message of great joy for all. This week, Pastor Brian shares how we can experience this joy in our lives and how our response brings joy to all of heaven.
God's Vision For Your Life - "Find Community"
August 25th, 2024 | 31 mins 13 secs
community, exodus, freedom, jared blair, moses, salvation, sin
God designed biblical community as a source of true and lasting freedom on earth. In week three of our series exploring God's vision for your life, Jared Blair delivers a message on the importance of engaging in community, and the necessary role it plays in your spiritual journey.
Ephesians - “Out With The Old, In With The New”
June 18th, 2023 | 35 mins 49 secs
faith, grace, pace, perfect, position, salvation, sanctification, sanctified, saved
We are saved by grace through faith; not by our good works. And as followers of Jesus, we are brand new people. During week five of our Ephesians series, Pastor Brian show how our new lives should be lived out as a response to the grace we’ve been given.
“Success is Obedience”
November 20th, 2022 | 40 mins 4 secs
baptism, baptize, baptized, grace, obedience, salvation, success
As we celebrate water baptisms this week, Pastor Brian shares the “what & why” of getting baptized. He also teaches the standard by which Jesus measures success, and why we should measure our success the same way.
Make Room - “Make Room for Jesus”
December 19th, 2021 | 30 mins 40 secs
christmas, priority, restored, salvation, surrender
Merry Christmas! This time of year is filled with activities, commitments, and time with others, but are you leaving room for Jesus? Are you making room for Jesus? In chapter 2 of the book of Luke, we read about the Christmas story, and see that it all started with people not having enough room for Jesus. Whether you never have before, or you have in the past, what would it look like for you to make room for Jesus?
The God I Never Knew - “The Baptism in The Holy Spirit”
November 15th, 2020 | 49 mins 25 secs
baptism, gift, holy spirit, relationship, salvation
We have spent the past three weeks learning about the Holy Spirit, and the importance of not only knowing, but having a real relationship with Him. That relationship will provide us with amazing gifts that allow us to experience the best possible life we can. In the final week of our series, Pastor Brian teaches how we can fully access all of those benefits through “The Baptism in The Holy Spirit”.
The God I Never Knew - “The Gifts of The Holy Spirit”
November 8th, 2020 | 47 mins 42 secs
distinguish, faith, healing, holy spirit, knowledge, manifestation, ministry, miracles, motivational, perceiving, power, proclaim, prophecy, salvation, tongues, wisdom
God created us with specific abilities and desires; these are gifts from God given to each of us. But the full expression of these gifts is found through a relationship with the Holy Spirit. In week three of our series, pastor Brian walks us through this complex gift from God - “The Gifts of The Holy Spirit”.
Jesus In His Own Words - "I Am The Door"
March 15th, 2020 | 24 mins 38 secs
abundant life, church at home, eternal life, i am, i am the door, jesus says, salvation, sanctification, saved
Jesus is the door into eternal life. When Jesus promises eternal life, He is offering a better place than where we are right now, and the only way to get there is through Jesus. Join us in week three of the series as Pastor Brian shares what He means when Jesus says “I am the door”.