Queen City Church
Queen City Church | Cincinnati, OH
We found 6 episodes of Queen City Church with the tag “saved”.
Joy To The World
December 22nd, 2024 | 21 mins 36 secs
birth, christmas, gospel, jesus, joy, luke, salvation, saved
Merry Christmas from Queen City Church! In Luke 2:1-11, we read the miraculous story of Jesus’ birth, bringing a message of great joy for all. This week, Pastor Brian shares how we can experience this joy in our lives and how our response brings joy to all of heaven.
Return To Your First Love
January 9th, 2024 | 45 mins 18 secs
redo, relationship, remember, repent, return, saved
Making the decision to follow Jesus is the greatest decision anyone can make. And the time immediately following can be marked by a newfound excitement and zeal. But as time passes, it’s easy to fall out of that and become less spiritually active. As we conclude first conference, Pastor Brian brings a timely message reminding us to return to that once-passionate state of loving, worshipping, and serving Jesus.
Truly Free - "How Do We Receive The Holy Spirit?"
October 29th, 2023 | 48 mins 6 secs
baptism, baptize, holy spirit, immerse, overcome, saved, spirit baptism, water baptism
The Holy Spirit gives you the power to walk in the life of freedom that God paid for you to have. As we conclude our Freedom series, Pastor Brian teaches on the three types of Baptisms described in the Bible, and how they all work together to allow us to live our best possible life.
Something New
September 17th, 2023 | 39 mins 38 secs
community, connect, disciple, groups, mobilize, saved, serve, vision
As we gather this Sunday celebrating 5 years as a church, Pastor Brian shares vision of things to come, and how we can more fully realize God’s vision for our lives.
Ephesians - “Out With The Old, In With The New”
June 18th, 2023 | 35 mins 49 secs
faith, grace, pace, perfect, position, salvation, sanctification, sanctified, saved
We are saved by grace through faith; not by our good works. And as followers of Jesus, we are brand new people. During week five of our Ephesians series, Pastor Brian show how our new lives should be lived out as a response to the grace we’ve been given.
Jesus In His Own Words - "I Am The Door"
March 15th, 2020 | 24 mins 38 secs
abundant life, church at home, eternal life, i am, i am the door, jesus says, salvation, sanctification, saved
Jesus is the door into eternal life. When Jesus promises eternal life, He is offering a better place than where we are right now, and the only way to get there is through Jesus. Join us in week three of the series as Pastor Brian shares what He means when Jesus says “I am the door”.