Queen City Church
Queen City Church | Cincinnati, OH
We found 10 episodes of Queen City Church with the tag “trust”.
Teach Us To Pray - “Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done, On Earth As It Is In Heaven”
January 26th, 2025 | 40 mins 16 secs
kingdom, our father, petition, prayer, submit, trust
In order to grow and have a closer relationship with God, you have to talk to God. As we continue our series on prayer, Pastor Brian teaches on a verse from The Lord’s Prayer that shows us how to petition, submit, and trust in the will of God.
The Holy Bible - "Can The Bible Be Trusted?"
July 28th, 2024 | 40 mins 11 secs
accurate, bible, conviction, faith, historical, prophetic, scientific, trust
Having a deep relationship with God involves having a deep relationship with the Bible. And trust is central for any healthy relationship. In the second week of our series on the Bible, Pastor Brian shares why we can trust every page of God’s word.
Summer Voices - "Stretch Out"
June 2nd, 2024 | 35 mins 35 secs
hand, healing, luke, show, stand, stretch, trust, wait
Summer is here, which means it’s time again for our Summer Voices series where we will hear from voices both inside and outside our church. To start off the series, Neville 'Paco' Pancham joins us to discuss how to experience the fullness of God."
Elephant In The Room - "I Doubt Myself"
May 26th, 2024 | 30 mins 25 secs
calling, doubt, grow, past, personality, purpose, self doubt, trust
Of all the things we doubt, one of the fastest ways to stunt our Christian growth is when we doubt ourselves. As we finish the series this week, Pastor Brian teaches on self-doubt and how your purpose is not lost regardless of what you think about yourself.
There Will Always Be Enough
May 12th, 2024 | 32 mins 27 secs
elijah, miracle, mother, provide, son, trust
There is a big difference between trusting in God and trusting in an outcome. This Mother’s Day, we hear from Heather Cromer as she shares a story from the Bible that displays God’s steadfast love, and promise to always provide for our needs.
Summer Voices - “Trusting God Was Always The Answer”
July 2nd, 2023 | 32 mins 29 secs
answer, faith, tested, trust, wait, waiting
During the first week of our Summer Voices series, we are joined by Tiffany Coleman who shares a message about waiting for answers to prayers. She shows us that regardless of how hopeless a situation seems, or how long the wait is, continuing to trust God is always the answer.
The Greatest Sermon Of All Time: “Keep On”
April 2nd, 2023 | 33 mins 42 secs
communicate, mount, pray, prayer, relationship, repent, repentance, sermon, trust
There are going to be things in life, and in prayer, that we ask for but don’t get right away. Jesus teaches on prayer twice during the Sermon On The Mount, and this week Pastor Brian shows the full context of what Jesus says about prayer, how to pray, and how to have an accurate view of God in our prayer life.
A New Way To Be Human - “The Sabbath”
February 5th, 2023 | 42 mins 15 secs
delight, provide, rest, sabbath, stop, ten commandments, trust
From the very first book of the Bible God demonstrates, by His own actions, how we should live our lives. This week Pastor Brian teaches what it means to Sabbath, and how it is modeled throughout scripture.
This series is based on the book “The Ruthless Elimination Of Hurry” by John Mark Comer.
Summer Voices - "What Is Spiritual Maturity?"
July 3rd, 2022 | 36 mins 51 secs
believe, crossroads, curious, growth, mature, maturity, paco pancham, planted, rooted, spiritual, trust
Spiritual Maturity is not something to automatically arrive at later in life, nor something missed out on based on age. Ultimately, this maturity comes from a relationship with the Holy Spirit. During week one of our Summer Voices series, we hear from Crossroads Church Pastor Paco Pancham on the process of spiritual maturity.
Summer Voices - "If Only It Were That Simple"
July 11th, 2021 | 33 mins 31 secs
ask, believe, brandon woodward, faith, prayer, trust, union city church, washington dc
Prayer - talking to God - is a privilege and a blessing that we have the ability to communicate with the creator of the universe. And while the act of praying is simple, the obedience associated with praying is a more complicated task. This week, we are joined by Pastor Brandon Woodward to learn more about a fundamental principle of Christianity - how we should pray.