Queen City Church

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

331 episodes of Queen City Church since the first episode, which aired on September 16th, 2018.

  • Give Your Life Away - "Intentional Generosity"

    December 9th, 2018  |  43 mins 7 secs

    Pastor Brian shares the importance of being intentionally generous to make the greatest impact.

  • Give Your Life Away - "How To Be Rich"

    December 2nd, 2018  |  42 mins 9 secs

    Pastor Brian teaches us how to be rich by being generous with more than just our finances.

  • My Next Step

    November 18th, 2018  |  33 mins 53 secs

    Guest speaker Pastor Mark Pettus reminds us that we are all on a journey to become more and more like Jesus, and the way we do that is to keep taking next steps.

  • Jesus Is - "One Of A Kind"

    November 11th, 2018  |  38 mins 8 secs

    Pastor Brian concludes the "Jesus Is" series by sharing how there truly is none like Jesus.

  • Jesus Is - "The Standard Of Forgiveness"

    October 28th, 2018  |  32 mins 11 secs

    This week, one of Queen City's overseers, Pastor Jason Laird of Sozo Church in San Francisco, speaks on the power of forgiveness and how to overcome offense.

  • Jesus Is - "The Cure"

    October 21st, 2018  |  37 mins 19 secs

    This week, Pastor Brian shares that the cure to our sin is found in Jesus and how we can be made new again through Him.

  • I Was Made for More - "To Make a Difference"

    October 14th, 2018  |  42 mins 55 secs

    In this episode, Pastor Brian takes us on the journey to find fulfillment and helps us discover a few ways we can make a difference in the world right now.

  • I Was Made For More - "For Purpose"

    October 7th, 2018  |  34 mins 40 secs

    This week, Pastor Brian unpacks what the Bible has to say about how to discover your purpose.

  • I Was Made For More - "To Find Freedom"

    September 30th, 2018  |  44 mins 39 secs
    believers, bible, bondage, christian, church, cincinnati, city, cross, division, freedom, hope, jesus, launch, love, message, shame, sin, stronghold, sunday, unity

    This week Pastor Brian talks about our BAGGAGE - and uncovers some practical steps on how to successfully live the "More and Better" life God has for us.

  • I Was Made For More - "To Know God"

    September 23rd, 2018  |  34 mins 33 secs
    believers, bible, christian, church, cincinnati, city, cross, jesus, launch, love, message, prodigal, prodigal son, repent, sunday, unity, unpredictable

    This week Pastor Brian unpacks a story in the Bible where God's unpredictability works out in our favor.

  • Launch Sunday - "What We All Have In Common"

    September 16th, 2018  |  34 mins 30 secs
    believers, bible, christian, church, cincinnati, city, cross, division, jesus, launch, love, message, sunday, unity

    In a world that so often divides, on Launch Sunday at Queen City Church, Pastor Brian talks about what we all have in common.