Queen City Church
Queen City Church | Cincinnati, OH
About the show
Welcome to the Queen City Church Podcast! Queen City Church is located in Cincinnati, Ohio and led by Pastors Brian and Heather Cromer. Our mission is to reach all people and teach them to have a relationship with God that gets better and better.
We hope these messages encourage and inspire you, and help point you toward your next step in your relationship with God.
For more information, visit queencitypeople.com or find us on social media at @queencitypeople.
Queen City Church on social media
Joy To The World - “The Mindset Of Jesus”
December 1st, 2024 | 34 mins 10 secs
humble, humility, joy, mindset, obedience, obedient, philippians, serve, serving
During week two of our series on the book of Philippians, Lauren Sheppard shares a message of what it means to have the mindset of joy, and that Jesus is our ultimate source of joy.
Joy To The World - “Context Is King”
November 24th, 2024 | 33 mins 22 secs
circumstances, happiness, joy, paul, philippi, philippians
The book of Philippians is a letter from Paul reminding us that, through Jesus, we can experience joy regardless of our circumstances. This week, Pastor Brian starts a new series on Philippians, helping us better understand the context and meaning of Paul’s letter.
The Cave - "What Got Him Out"
November 17th, 2024 | 33 mins 11 secs
depression, elijah, mental health, rest, sabbath, stress, truth
As we conclude this short series on mental health, Jasmine Miller shares a message about the three steps Elijah took, and we must take, to find freedom and get out of the cave of depression.
The Cave - “What Got Him In”
November 10th, 2024 | 39 mins 48 secs
baal, comparison, depression, elijah, exhaustion, freedom, healing, isolation, joy, mental health, temptation
Sickness isn’t a sin, and it’s okay not to be okay. In week one of our two-part series on mental health, Pastor Brian uses the story of Elijah to highlight the struggles that can lead us into a 'cave' of depression.
The Book Of Daniel - “What In The World Is Prophecy?”
November 3rd, 2024 | 50 mins 21 secs
daniel, obedience, prophecy, prophet, prophetic
The Book of Daniel ends with a prophecy that still holds significance today. In this week’s message, Pastor Brian shows the importance of prophecy as a foundational part of biblical faith, and why every follower of Jesus should desire and practice prophecy.
The Book Of Daniel - “Dare To Be A Daniel”
October 27th, 2024 | 40 mins 29 secs
conviction, courage, culture, daniel, king darius, leader, lions den, obedience
The Book of Daniel shows how we can stand firm in our beliefs while still loving others, which gives us the opportunity to positively influence and lead within our culture. During week five of this series, Pastor Brian shares a message about the courage it takes to live boldly for God in every area of our lives.
The Book Of Daniel - “The Writing Is On The Wall”
October 20th, 2024 | 39 mins 59 secs
culture, daniel, perspective, prophecy, success
This week, Pastor Brian continues our study of the Book of Daniel, focusing on the moment when Daniel interprets the writing on the wall. Pastor Brian and Lauren Sheppard unpack the significance of this message from God and how it applies to the way we live our lives today.
How To Talk To God
October 13th, 2024 | 39 mins 24 secs
desperate, gerald, parable, prayer, spirit
This week, Pastor Gerald joins us to share a message about the power of prayer. He discusses what happens when we pray, why prayer matters, and how God responds to our prayers.
The Book Of Daniel - “Learning The Hard Way”
October 6th, 2024 | 39 mins 58 secs
culture, daniel, discipline, humble, humility, nebuchadnezzar, pride
In week three of our series, Pastor Brian continues the story of Daniel, highlighting the dangers of pride and emphasizing the need to humble ourselves and recognize God as the one true Lord of our lives.
The Book Of Daniel - “Stand Up”
September 29th, 2024 | 35 mins 56 secs
abednego, christ, community, conviction, courage, culture, daniel, fire, furnace, meshach, nebuchadnezzar, shadrach, stand
In a time of growing division and pressure to conform, staying true to our Christian faith can feel difficult. In week two of our series, Pastor Brian shares a message on how to navigate today’s culture as a follower of Jesus, and stand firm in our faith amidst the challenges of our world.
The Book Of Daniel - “Grace And Truth”
September 22nd, 2024 | 33 mins 10 secs
compromise, culture, daniel, impact, love, society
This week we are starting a new series on the book of Daniel. Daniel’s story shows us that it is possible to stand firm in your faith while making a lasting impact on the work around you. During week 1, Lauren Sheppard teaches how we are called to live and love with both grace and truth.
God's Vision For Your Life - "Leave A Legacy"
September 15th, 2024 | 42 mins 44 secs
birthday, ephesians, legacy, life, six, vision
Today, we celebrate six years as a church! This week, Pastor Brian reflects on our journey to highlight what it means to live a legacy and what a true Biblical legacy represents.
God's Vision For Your Life - "Be The Church"
September 8th, 2024 | 38 mins 14 secs
branches, church, difference, fruit, give, mature, maturity, serve, share, vine
The goal of this series is that we would not settle for anything less than the life Jesus paid for us to have. During week 5 of the series, Pastor Brian discusses God’s vision for our lives that calls us to not just attend church, but to be the church.
God's Vision For Your Life - "Become A Disciple"
September 1st, 2024 | 37 mins 17 secs
disciple, discipleship, follower, john, obedience
In week four of our series, Pastor Brian teaches what a disciple is and how disciples of Jesus should respond when God calls us to something that doesn’t align with our own plans, because part of following Jesus means seeking God's vision for our lives.
God's Vision For Your Life - "Find Community"
August 25th, 2024 | 31 mins 13 secs
community, exodus, freedom, jared blair, moses, salvation, sin
God designed biblical community as a source of true and lasting freedom on earth. In week three of our series exploring God's vision for your life, Jared Blair delivers a message on the importance of engaging in community, and the necessary role it plays in your spiritual journey.
God's Vision For Your Life - "Know God"
August 18th, 2024 | 34 mins 10 secs
earn, genosko, know, love, process, relationship, vision
You can know God. During week two of the series, Pastor Brian explores the biblical difference between knowing God intellectually and experiencing Him in your heart, and how these two ways of understanding shape our faith and relationship with God.