Queen City Church
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
319 episodes of Queen City Church since the first episode, which aired on September 16th, 2018.
Run It Back - “Fighting Right”
August 9th, 2020 | 31 mins 25 secs
church at home, conflict, fight, fighting right, forgive, goals, reconciliation, relationships
As we continue to look back at messages from the first 100 weeks of our church, Pastor Brian revisits our relationship series: “Goals”. We all have goals for our relationships, but God also has goals for our relationships. This week, Pastor Brian talks about the goal of fighting right.
Run It Back - “I Was Made to Make a Difference”
August 2nd, 2020 | 32 mins 2 secs
change, church at home, fulfillment, make a difference purpose, plan, reason, run it back, why am i here
This week, we are starting a series looking back at some of the messages from past 100 weeks of Queen City Church to “Run It Back” and share them again. In week one, Pastor Brian shares an important and timely reminder that despite everything happening as a result of Covid-19, your purpose - God’s purpose on your life - has not been canceled. Don’t forget the truth God promises each of us, “I Was Made to Make a Difference”.
4 x 7
July 26th, 2020 | 37 mins 15 secs
church at home, coronavirus, covid 19, heather cromer, noah bates, quarantine, sam benton, season, tiffany dace
The COVID-19 quarantine season can be easily summarized in one word: crazy. But if we take a minute to step back and look at what we've learned, how we've grown, and the unimaginable ways God has moved, we might choose to put a different label on it. This week, four members of the Queen City Church family - Tiffany Dace, Sam Benton, Noah Bates, and Heather Cromer - answer a questions given to them by Pastor Brian: "What is the number one thing God has taught you during this crazy season?"
The Third Option - "My Brother's Keeper"
July 19th, 2020 | 38 mins 22 secs
encourage, love, miles mcpherson, nurture, protect, rock church, third option
To be a brother or sister’s keeper is to be someone who guards, nurtures and protects the honorable heart in another person. In the final week of our series “The Third Option”, Pastor Miles McPherson of the Rock Church brings a message discussing what it means to be a brother’s keeper, and ways we can all practice this biblical principal in our own lives.
This series is based on Pastor Miles McPherson’s book, "The Third Option".
The Third Option - "Unalienable Honor"
July 12th, 2020 | 33 mins 59 secs
facts, liberty, life, love, miles mcpherson, purpose, pursuit of happiness, responsibilities, unalienable honor
We are all created by God, in His image, with a God-given love, destiny and purpose. And every person we come in contact with was created the same way. When we are dishonorable and choose to act inconsistent of God’s heart, we are acting inconsistent of our design. Join us for week three of the series as guest speaker Pastor Mile McPherson discusses the “Unalienable Honor” with which all of us were created.
This series is based on Pastor Miles McPherson’s book, "The Third Option".
The Third Option - "Blind Spots"
July 5th, 2020 | 27 mins 29 secs
blind spots, honor, love, miles mcpherson, neighbor, rock church, third option, unity
To live as a community in harmony, we have to choose to honor what we have in common, rather than choosing sides. In week two of our series brought by Pastor Miles McPherson, he talks about how we can walk this out by first acknowledging that we all have blind spots.
This series is based on Pastor Miles McPherson’s book, "The Third Option".
The Third Option
June 28th, 2020 | 49 mins 46 secs
division, guest speaker, miles mcpherson, race, racial recognition, reconciliation, rock church, unity
This week, we are starting a new series brought by guest speaker Pastor Miles McPherson. Miles is the senior Pastor of the Rock Church in San Diego, California, and is recognized as one of the leading voices in the church today over the topic of racial recognition.
This series is based on Pastor Miles McPherson’s book, "The Third Option".
Can't Steal My Joy - "The Number 1 Thief of Joy
June 21st, 2020 | 31 mins 28 secs
anxiety, church at home, joy, peace, practical, pray, promise, stress, thief of joy, worry
Jesus promises that we can have peace and joy, even during times of worry, stress and anxiety. In the final week of our series, Pastor Brian looks at Philippians Chapter 4 to teach what should do to combat the number one thief of joy.
Can’t Steal My Joy - “Don’t Forget”
June 14th, 2020 | 27 mins 48 secs
church at home, forget the past, future, joy, know god, philippians
We all need reminders, the most important being that through knowing Jesus, we will always know joy. This week, Pastor Brian teaches on the three things Paul writes about in Philippians Chapter 3 that will help us remember to always have joy.
The Conversation We Desperately Need To Have
June 7th, 2020 | 47 mins 16 secs
honor, light of the world church, love, mike scruggs, racism, respect, segregation, unity
This week, we are taking a step back from our current series in order to have a much needed, very important conversation over the things that are happening right now in our nation and our city. Pastor Brian Cromer sits down with Pastor Mike Scruggs of Light of the World Church for "The Conversation We Desperately Need To Have".
Can't Steal My Joy - "Follow The Leader"
May 31st, 2020 | 31 mins 6 secs
can't steal my joy, follow the leader, humble, humility, obedient, obey, paul, selfless, servant, serve
Jesus was the perfect model of how to live our lives. When we choose to follow His example, we can begin to experience life the way God intended, and experience unmatched joy. Looking at Philippians chapter 2, Pastor Brian gives three practical ways we can “Follow The Leader”, and have joy like Jesus.
Can't Steal My Joy - "Happiness vs. Joy"
May 24th, 2020 | 30 mins 17 secs
can't steal my joy, choice, enough, happiness, paul, thankful
In the book of Philippians, Paul writes over and over about the joy we all have which can’t be taken from us. And he does this while sitting in a jail cell. So how did he have such a positive heart during his negative external circumstances? In week one of our new series “Can’t Steal My Joy”, Pastor Brian begins by explaining three important differences between happiness and joy.
Things Jesus Never Said - “I Won’t Give You More Than You Can Handle”
May 17th, 2020 | 24 mins 52 secs
bad days, believe, control, peace, power, presence, promise, storms, temptation, trials, trouble, trust
Jesus never promises an elimination of storms; He promises peace in the middle of them. But why would Jesus allow us to experience things that are greater than we can handle in the first place? In the final week of our series, Pastor Brian explains why Jesus never said, “I won’t give you more than you can handle”.
Things Jesus Never Said - “You Get What You Deserve"
May 10th, 2020 | 25 mins 26 secs
amazing grace, favor, free, grace, jesus never said, kindness, undeserved, unearned
Grace is an amazing gift we receive that cannot be earned, and is not deserved. It has nothing to do with us or our accomplishments, but everything to do with the amazing love of God. Join us this week as Pastor Brian discusses the full meaning of God’s grace.
Peace, Not Fear
May 3rd, 2020 | 22 mins 26 secs
depressed, fear, gateway church, peace, robert morris
When you find yourself under pressure, like we all are while navigating this quarantine day-by-day, what can you do? To explore the answer to this, we have a very special message from one of Pastor Brian Cromer’s Pastors, Pastor Robert Morris of Gateway Church in Dallas, Texas. He reminds us we’ve all been through trials before, but our God is always faithful, and this promise allows us to be people of “Peace, not Fear”.
Things Jesus Never Said - “You Won't Have Bad Days”
April 26th, 2020 | 25 mins 12 secs
bad days, build your life, eternal, house, on the rock, storms
The best life we could ever live is found through Jesus, but Jesus never said we won’t have bad days. It’s so important to understand this, because if we believe the lie that "life will be trouble free with Jesus", bad days could crush our faith. Listen as Pastor Brian talks about how to build our lives in preparation for inevitable storms, and the peace and strength that only Jesus can offer.