Queen City Church

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

319 episodes of Queen City Church since the first episode, which aired on September 16th, 2018.

  • This Is Us - "Our City Is Our Responsibility"

    October 23rd, 2022  |  38 mins 52 secs
    addiction, broken, city, peace, poverty, pray, prosperity, value

    Cincinnati is a beautiful city, and a great place to live and enjoy life. Amidst the wonderful culture, arts and cuisine of the Queen City, there is also brokenness. During week seven of this series, Pastor Brian teaches why and how we as a church must take personal responsibility for the brokenness of our city.

  • This Is Us - "Excellence Is Our Standard"

    October 16th, 2022  |  47 mins 46 secs
    excellence, honor, inspire, life, perfect, perfection, sheba, solomon, value

    During week six of our series teaching from the values of our church, Pastor Brian shows the honoring and inspiring qualities associated with living every part of life on the standard of excellence.

  • This Is Us - "Honor Is Our Posture"

    October 9th, 2022  |  46 mins 6 secs
    authority, honoring, recognize, value, worship

    To honor someone is to express the value they bring. During week five of our series, Pastor Brian shares who, why, and how we should honor, both in the church and in our everyday lives.

  • This Is Us - "Passion Is Our Response"

    October 2nd, 2022  |  31 mins 3 secs
    beliefs, conviction, passion, purpose, value

    As we continue our series looking into the values of our church, we hear from our very own Jasmine Miller on the value of passion being our response.

  • This Is Us - "Unity Is Our Pursuit"

    September 25th, 2022  |  40 mins 32 secs
    biblical wisdom, brian cromer, church, church plant, cincinnati, encouragement, god, heaven, jesus, ohio, pastor, prayer, preaching, queen city, sermon, withrow high school, words to live by

    Finding division can be easy, in all areas of life. But Jesus doesn’t call us to live easy lives. Jesus prayed for all of His followers to have unity with one another, and that is why Queen City Church holds the value: Unity Is Our Pursuit.

  • This Is Us - "People Are Our Priority"

    September 18th, 2022  |  42 mins 19 secs
    grace, mission, priority, truth, value, welcoming

    This is the second week of our “This Is Us” series, and the day marking four years since the start of Queen City Church! Today Pastor Brian shares our church’s value of people being our priority, and how that influences the way we love and serve those around us.

  • This Is Us - "Jesus Is Our Message"

    September 11th, 2022  |  39 mins 4 secs
    foundation, jason laird, sozo, value, values

    This week we begin a new message series based on the values of our church. To start the series, we are joined by Pastor Jason Laird who teaches the foundational value of Queen City Church - Jesus is our message.

  • Vision Sunday

    September 4th, 2022  |  46 mins 31 secs
    plan, purpose, vision

    Proverbs 29:18 says, “If people can’t see what God is going, they stumble all over themselves”. This week Pastor Brian takes a Sunday to share the vision and new things in store for Queen City Church, and the vision God has for you and your life.

  • Why We Exist - "What Do I Say?"

    August 28th, 2022  |  41 mins 25 secs
    gospel, instruction, mission, problem, response, solution, testify, testimony

    This series has focused on why and how the mission of Queen City Church echos The Great Commission given by Jesus. This week, Pastor Brian offers guidance on what can be seen by some as the most challenging step in our mission: “what do I say?”

  • Why We Exist - "What Do I Do?"

    August 21st, 2022  |  41 mins 39 secs
    agape, empathy, eros, evangelist, evangelize, love, phileo, storge

    As Christians, the greatest influence we have on the people around us is not in what we say, but how we live. During week two of our series, Pastor Brian teaches four things we can do in our everyday lives to lead others to a life-changing relationship with Jesus that gets better and better.

  • Why We Exist - "Why is it so Important?"

    August 14th, 2022  |  43 mins 48 secs
    disciples, exist, mission, restore, why

    When you live your life on mission for Jesus, you are living your life exactly how God designed you. So what does it look like to live life on mission? During the first week of our new series, Pastor Brian teaches why it is so important to live on mission, both as people and as a church.

  • Summer Voices - "5x7"

    August 7th, 2022  |  39 mins 39 secs
    commander in chief, emily shinkle, faithful, fresh start, jared blair, jewish, mics trammell, peace, sydney wertz, wayne wilks

    During the final week of the Summer Voices series, we hear from five members of Queen City Church as each of them finishes the statement, “Jesus is ______” based on their own life experiences and personal encounters with Jesus.

  • Summer Voices - "Wants and Wiggles"

    July 31st, 2022  |  36 mins 51 secs
    anxiety, calling, comparison, corinthians, enough, proverbs, purpose

    In the Book of Proverbs we read that everything we do, good or bad, starts in our heart. So when we find ourselves stuck in comparison or anxiety, it started in the heart. This week we hear a message from Mayo Sowell about the truth that because Christ is near, you are enough just as you are.

  • Summer Voices - "The Four Cups"

    July 24th, 2022  |  43 mins 36 secs
    brad cooper, communion, deliver, family, newspring church, passover, redeem, seder

    Participating in communion as a church is a symbolic and spiritual event, and its origin comes from the tradition of the passover celebration. As we continue with our Summer Voices series, we hear from Pastor Brad Cooper who offers deeper understanding and teaching on the Lord’s supper.

  • Summer Voices - "God Sees. God Cares."

    July 10th, 2022  |  32 mins 3 secs
    care, empathy, heard, see, transformed

    God knows you, individually, on a personal level. He knows you better than anyone on earth ever has or ever could. Because God sees us the way He does, He is able to have empathy for everything we go through. During week two of the Summer Voices series, we hear from Heather Cromer about how God sees and cares for all His children.

  • Summer Voices - "What Is Spiritual Maturity?"

    July 3rd, 2022  |  36 mins 51 secs
    believe, crossroads, curious, growth, mature, maturity, paco pancham, planted, rooted, spiritual, trust

    Spiritual Maturity is not something to automatically arrive at later in life, nor something missed out on based on age. Ultimately, this maturity comes from a relationship with the Holy Spirit. During week one of our Summer Voices series, we hear from Crossroads Church Pastor Paco Pancham on the process of spiritual maturity.