Queen City Church
Queen City Church | Cincinnati, OH
About the show
Welcome to the Queen City Church Podcast! Queen City Church is located in Cincinnati, Ohio and led by Pastors Brian and Heather Cromer. Our mission is to reach all people and teach them to have a relationship with God that gets better and better.
We hope these messages encourage and inspire you, and help point you toward your next step in your relationship with God.
For more information, visit queencitypeople.com or find us on social media at @queencitypeople.
Queen City Church on social media
How to Live Through a Bad Day - "Finally Surrender Your Day to God, and Let It Go"
April 14th, 2019 | 37 mins 7 secs
anxiety, bible, jesus, let go, queen city church, sermon, stress
Often in difficult times, it feels easy to cling to our worries and doubts because it gives a false perception of control. Letting anxiety and stress go and trusting in God might feel like the last thing we want to do. In the conclusion of the "How to Live Through a Bad Day" series, Pastor Brian speaks on the power and freedom that comes into our lives when we surrender our anxious thoughts to God.
How to Live Through a Bad Day - "Rest Assured That There is a Purpose and an End"
April 7th, 2019 | 30 mins 56 secs
bible, how to live through a bad day, hurt, it is finished, jesus, pain, purpose, queen city church, sermon
When bad days hit, it may often feel like our pain and difficult situations have no purpose, but Jesus showed us a different perspective. This week, Pastor Brian discusses the most famous statement Jesus made on the cross and how we can be encouraged that our pain and challenging circumstances are not wasted.
How to Live Through a Bad Day - "Aim Your Hard Questions at God"
March 31st, 2019 | 30 mins 56 secs
bible, how to live through a bad day, hurt, jesus, loving, pain, queen city church, sermon
In the midst of our pain and hurt, it may feel like we cannot ask God difficult questions about our situation, but in Jesus' fifth statement on the cross, He makes it abundantly clear that God is more than capable of answering even the most challenging questions. This week, Pastor Brian gives practical steps on how we can aim our hard thoughts, emotions, and questions at God when going through a bad day.
How to Live Through a Bad Day - "Be Human Enough to Acknowledge Your Need"
March 24th, 2019 | 31 mins 45 secs
bible, hurt, jesus, loving, pain, queen city church, sermon, small groups
Week Four of the series "How to Live Through a Bad Day" analyzes the fourth statement Jesus made on the cross. This week Lauren Sheppard shares how Jesus' statement reflects how we can lean on others in times of need.
How to Live Through a Bad Day - "Be Sure You've Taken Care of Those Near You"
March 17th, 2019 | 43 mins 44 secs
bible, family, hurt, jesus, loving, pain, queen city church, sermon
When bad days arise, it is incredibly easy to take it out on those we love, but Jesus displayed unconditional love on the cross when, in the midst of His pain, took time to care about those around us. In week three of "How to Live Through a Bad Day," Pastor Brian teaches us the importance of relationships and what we can do to take care of those we love.
How to Live Through a Bad Day - "Help Others Who Are Experiencing Your Same Struggle"
March 10th, 2019 | 41 mins 8 secs
bible, hurt, jesus, loving, pain, queen city church, sermon, serving
In week two of our new series, How to Live Through a Bad Day, Pastor Brian shares Jesus' second statement made on the cross and how we can model his heart for loving and serving others amidst our own pain.
How to Live Through a Bad Day - "Forgive Everyone Who's Trying To Ruin Your Life"
March 3rd, 2019 | 40 mins 34 secs
bible, forgiveness, jesus, queen city church, sermon
Forgiveness does not come naturally because we've believed so many lies about what it represents. This week, in a brand new series, How To Live Through a Bad Day, Pastor Brian talks about ways we can forgive others and find freedom based on Jesus' first of seven statements spoken on the cross.
The Other Side Is No Longer An Option
February 24th, 2019 | 45 mins 44 secs
In this standalone message, Pastor Brian draws a line in the sand and challenges us to go out of our way to serve and take care of the people God has put on this Earth, regardless of their social, racial, sexual, and religious backgrounds.
Silent Killers - "Temptation"
February 17th, 2019 | 38 mins 43 secs
silent killers
In the conclusion of the series "Silent Killers", Pastor Brian supplies practical steps to overcome temptation in every situation.
Silent Killers - "Anxiety"
February 10th, 2019 | 41 mins 37 secs
anxiety, bible, christianity, church, depression, jesus, peace, sermon
Pastor Brian continues the "Silent Killers" series by shining a light on the most widespread of all the silent killers: Anxiety. Listen to see what the Bible has to say about Anxiety and how to live in the peace that is promised as a follower of Jesus.
Silent Killers - "Isolation"
February 3rd, 2019 | 39 mins 22 secs
In an age where loneliness and isolation have increased, Pastor Brian talks about what the Bible says about combating it.
Silent Killers - "Shame"
January 27th, 2019 | 41 mins 16 secs
Guest speaker Pastor Jelani Lewis of Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, discusses the silent killer shame and how attainable it is to overcome it, regardless of your past.
Silent Killers - "Deception"
January 20th, 2019 | 40 mins 19 secs
Pastor Brian speaks on the most silent killer of all: deception and how we can arm ourselves against the lies we've believed.
Silent Killers - "Depression"
January 13th, 2019 | 47 mins 15 secs
In a new message series for a new year called "Silent Killers," Pastor Brian begins by tackling a subject that affects a multitude of people: depression.
Christmas 2018 - "Learning from Wise Men"
December 23rd, 2018 | 36 mins 40 secs
On Queen City Church's first Christmas service, Pastor Brian shares the important lessons the wise men made in the Christmas story.
Give Your Life Away - "Living Legacy"
December 16th, 2018 | 38 mins 24 secs
On Queen City Church's first Legacy Sunday, Pastor Brian teaches us how to outlive our own life.