Queen City Church

Queen City Church | Cincinnati, OH

About the show

Welcome to the Queen City Church Podcast! Queen City Church is located in Cincinnati, Ohio and led by Pastors Brian and Heather Cromer. Our mission is to reach all people and teach them to have a relationship with God that gets better and better.

We hope these messages encourage and inspire you, and help point you toward your next step in your relationship with God.

For more information, visit queencitypeople.com or find us on social media at @queencitypeople.

Queen City Church on social media


  • Truly Free - "The Two Main Systems"

    August 27th, 2023  |  38 mins 41 secs
    attack, deliverance, disciple, discipleship, egyptians, free, freedom, stronghold

    God desires us to live a life of freedom, and that transformation can only be accomplished through Him. During week three of the series, Pastor Brian shows the two main systems God has given us to be free.

  • Truly Free - “Generational Patterns”

    August 20th, 2023  |  38 mins 25 secs
    abraham, abram, chains, curse, genogram, joseph, repent, stronghold

    We are all shaped by our past, good and bad. And generations of families can experience the same challenges if no one chooses to break the cycle. This week, Pastor Brian shares the steps we have to take in order to change negative generational patterns.

  • Truly Free - “How Am I Going To Approach God?”

    August 13th, 2023  |  37 mins 25 secs
    chain, free, freedom, genesis, right, tree, understand, wrong

    In this series, we will take a look at what the Bible has to say about how we can be "Truly Free." During week one, Pastor Brian teaches on the difference between the tree of life, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

  • Summer Voices - "5x7"

    August 6th, 2023  |  48 mins 5 secs
    brian taylor, caleb ayers, compassionate, dan wertz, faithfulness, gracious, jared blair, love, slow in anger, valery griffith

    As we conclude the Summer Voices series, we hear from five people within our church, each delivering a 7-minute message on a specific characteristic of God.

  • Summer Voices - "Don’t Worry, Be Happy"

    July 30th, 2023  |  44 mins 43 secs
    control, father, lord, security, worried, worry, worship

    For the fourth week of our Summer Voices series, we are joined by Pastor Darren Scheske of Heartland Church in Fishers, Indiana. Pastor Darren brings a message of how to prepare and posture ourselves in combatting the worries of life.

  • Summer Voices - “Pick Up Your Shovel”

    July 23rd, 2023  |  44 mins 13 secs
    humility, identity, selfish, servant, service

    During week three of our Summer Voices series we are joined by Pastor Gerald Fadayomi of Home Church Roswell in Roswell, Georgia. Pastor Gerald brings a message about how a life with Jesus can transform us into having the mindset and identity of a servant.

  • Serve Day 2023

    July 16th, 2023  |  16 mins 20 secs
    attitude, heather cromer, humble, obedient, servant, serve, serving

    This Sunday, we rally together as a church before going out and serving our City. Pastor Heather Cromer leads the morning by reminding us what it means to have the attitude of a servant.

  • Summer Voices - "God Doesn't Need Much"

    July 9th, 2023  |  32 mins 23 secs
    brain taylor, every nation, grow, mustard seed, parable, root

    During week two of the Summer Voices series, we are joined by Pastor Brian Taylor of Every Nation Cincinnati Church. He brings a message of growth, showing how Jesus specializes in using ordinary people to do extraordinary things.

  • Summer Voices - “Trusting God Was Always The Answer”

    July 2nd, 2023  |  32 mins 29 secs
    answer, faith, tested, trust, wait, waiting

    During the first week of our Summer Voices series, we are joined by Tiffany Coleman who shares a message about waiting for answers to prayers. She shows us that regardless of how hopeless a situation seems, or how long the wait is, continuing to trust God is always the answer.

  • Ephesians - “We Are In A Fight!"

    June 25th, 2023  |  34 mins 57 secs
    armor, defense, enemy, ephesians, faith, fight, peace, righteousness, shield, truth

    As we conclude the series, we see how the final chapter of Ephesians reminds us we are in a fight. Paul says this fight is not against flesh and blood enemies; it is against evil spirits. This week Pastor Brian teaches us how we can be prepared for the attacks of the enemy.

  • Ephesians - “Out With The Old, In With The New”

    June 18th, 2023  |  35 mins 49 secs
    faith, grace, pace, perfect, position, salvation, sanctification, sanctified, saved

    We are saved by grace through faith; not by our good works. And as followers of Jesus, we are brand new people. During week five of our Ephesians series, Pastor Brian show how our new lives should be lived out as a response to the grace we’ve been given.

  • Ephesians - “The Church God Sees”

    June 11th, 2023  |  42 mins 11 secs
    ephesians, humility, mature, maturity, mobilized, people, united, unity

    As we enter into the second half of our series, Pastor Brian shows how Paul transitions from helping us understand the gospel, to helping us understand how to live the Gospel. During week four, we focus on three characteristics we should live out as the Church.

  • Ephesians - “There Is More For You"

    June 4th, 2023  |  31 mins 5 secs
    capacity, clarity, coach, core, increase, jasmine, more, performance, roots, strength

    As we move into week three, Jasmine Miller continues the series by showing the specific areas in which Paul prays the followers of Jesus would experience increase.

  • Ephesians - “Good News”

    May 28th, 2023  |  29 mins 59 secs
    created, dead, disobedience, enemy, ephesians, masterpiece, sacrifice, unique

    During week two of our series on the book of Ephesians, our very own Nat Miller gives a message on the good news that even though sin is working against us, our far more powerful God is working for and through us.

  • Ephesians - “The More You Know”

    May 21st, 2023  |  35 mins 55 secs
    dynamis, gnosco, inheritance, know god, masterpiece, possession, power, true hope

    This week we are starting a new series focused completely on the Book of Ephesians. Over the next few weeks, we will learn about the two parts of Ephesians: understanding the gospel and living the gospel. During week one, Pastor Brian shares four truths Paul outlines to the followers of Jesus in Ephesians.

    Ephesians 30-day devotional

  • Emotionally Healthy Relationships - “Care For The Soul”

    May 14th, 2023  |  41 mins
    anger, anxiety, depression, goal, grief, joy, recognize, reject, replace, soul, value

    As we finish our series, we are joined by Dr. Tammy Smith as she teaches how we can achieve emotionally healthy relationships by properly caring for our soul.