Queen City Church
Queen City Church | Cincinnati, OH
About the show
Welcome to the Queen City Church Podcast! Queen City Church is located in Cincinnati, Ohio and led by Pastors Brian and Heather Cromer. Our mission is to reach all people and teach them to have a relationship with God that gets better and better.
We hope these messages encourage and inspire you, and help point you toward your next step in your relationship with God.
For more information, visit queencitypeople.com or find us on social media at @queencitypeople.
Queen City Church on social media
From Dream to Reality - "The Purpose Test"
June 26th, 2022 | 31 mins 45 secs
calling, change, help, joseph, make a difference, passion, process, purpose
This series has showed how God was testing Joseph’s character. These tests were about who God created Joseph to be, long before Joseph accomplished what God had called him to do. During the final week of our series, Nat Miller wraps things up by sharing what Joseph experienced during his purpose test.
From Dream to Reality - "The Pardon Test"
June 19th, 2022 | 40 mins 30 secs
betrayal, forgive, forgiveness, hurt, pardon
To pardon someone (forgive) means to absolve them from the consequences of their fault. This week in our series, Pastor Brian continues Joseph’s story by teaching the importance of forgiveness in forming and strengthening our character.
From Dream to Reality - "The Prosperity Test"
June 12th, 2022 | 48 mins 42 secs
gifts, joseph, prosperity, resources, steward, time
During this series, we are looking through the character tests Joesph experienced. At this point in his life, Joseph experienced great prosperity followed by great famine. This week, Pastor Brian shows how the choices Joseph made during his seven years of prosperity actually affected the next seven years of famine.
From Dream to Reality - “The Power Test”
June 5th, 2022 | 45 mins 43 secs
influence, leader, obedience, power, promotion
Seeing a dream become reality can often bring with it great power. In order to know God can trust us with that power, He needs to know we’ll steward it responsibly. This week, Pastor Brian continues the series by showing how Joseph went through the power test.
From Dream to Reality - “The Perseverance Test”
May 29th, 2022 | 31 mins 20 secs
content, patience, persevere, purpose, trials, tribulation
It takes effort in order for dreams to become reality. Sometimes effort means forward-progress, but other times it simply means not giving up. This week we hear a message from Jasmine Miller describing Joseph’s perseverance when he was put to the test.
From Dream to Reality - “The Purity Test”
May 22nd, 2022 | 38 mins 43 secs
accountability, honesty, porn, pornography, purity, temptation
The Bible instructs us to run from sexual sin in order to overcome temptation. This week we continue the story of Joseph by looking at why we should run from sexual sin, and what we should be running toward.
From Dream to Reality - “The Potiphar Test”
May 15th, 2022 | 41 mins 56 secs
character, dreams, faithful, joseph, stewardship, technicolor coat
There are tests we go through while waiting for a dream to become a reality. The purpose of these is to test our character. Along with passing the tests, we also need to live a life of faithfulness in order to advance ourselves closer to our dreams.
From Dream to Reality - “The Pit Test”
May 8th, 2022 | 40 mins 15 secs
bad day, character, genesis, joseph, perspective, pit, pride, purpose, technicolor dream coat
God is always working, he He will never give up on you. In week two of the series, Pastor Brian continues with the story of Joseph by showing the reason we find ourselves facing challenges in life, and what our response to that challenge should be.
From Dream to Reality - “The Pride Test”
May 1st, 2022 | 43 mins 36 secs
character, coat, dream, joseph, many colors, pride, robe, technicolor, test, tested
God has a plan, purpose, and dream for your life, and the best way to discover this dream is by getting to know God through relationship with Him. But even when you learn what that dream is, there will inevitably be a gap before it becomes reality. In this series, we will study the story of Joseph in Genesis to learn what we may experience while waiting for our God-given dream to become a reality.
Friend of Sinners
April 24th, 2022 | 40 mins 46 secs
biblical wisdom, brian cromer, church, church plant, cincinnati, encouragement, god, heaven, jesus, ohio, pastor, prayer, preaching, queen city, sermon, withrow high school, words to live by
Jesus was a friend of sinners. He displayed the perfect balance of grace and truth to everyone he encountered, regardless of their past. This week, Pastor Jason Laird brings a message highlighting this principle to show there are things we as Christians should display and stand for.
Miracles - “Miraculous Resurrection”
April 17th, 2022 | 37 mins 11 secs
easter, hope, power, resurrection, risen
Happy Easter, from Queen City Church! As we celebrate Resurrection Sunday, Pastor Brian finishes our "Miracles" series by teaching what the resurrection was, and how it still affects us today.
Miracles - "Miraculous Expectations"
April 10th, 2022 | 28 mins 53 secs
expectation, faith, heal, healing, jairus, miracle, mustard seed
When Jesus performs miracles for people in the Bible, we see Him meeting people at the level of their expectations. During the fourth week of our series, we look at two different miracles Jesus performed, and specifically at the faith of the two people who received the miracle.
Miracles - "Miraculous Peace"
April 3rd, 2022 | 26 mins 48 secs
beyond understanding, challenges, lasting, peace, problems, storm
Because of Jesus we can have peace, and with Jesus we can have miraculous peace in the midst of a storm. During week three of the series, Pastor Brian shares how all of the challenges in life, big or small, can be changed through the miracle of peace offered to us by Jesus.
Miracles - “Miraculous Freedom”
March 27th, 2022 | 36 mins 33 secs
deliverance, demon, devil, discipleship, freedom, lie, renewal, satan, spirit
Finding freedom from the enemy is part of the vision of our church, and part of the vision God has for your life. This freedom is found through a relationship with Jesus. During our second week of the series, Lauren Sheppard teaches how we have become free from the penalty of sin through Jesus, but that it can be a process to become free from the power of sin.
Miracles - "Miraculous Provision"
March 20th, 2022 | 35 mins 10 secs
5000, feed, feeding, fish, loaves, miracles
Jesus performed an uncountable number of miracles during his life, 38 of which are shared in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. During this series leading up to Easter, we will be looking at some of these miracles to learn what they teach us about Jesus. For our first week, Pastor Brian starts with one of the most well-known miracles performed by Jesus.
Hello My Name Is - "Salt and Light"
March 13th, 2022 | 40 mins 16 secs
darkness, heal, light, melt, preserve, season, thirst
During this series, we have been looking at the different labels God gives us as his children. When Jesus gave his Sermon On The Mount, he referred to us as “salt and light”. As Pastor Brian concludes the series, he looks at this final label to teach us what Jesus meant by it, and what our response should be.