Queen City Church
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
331 episodes of Queen City Church since the first episode, which aired on September 16th, 2018.
Asking For a Friend - “How Do I Become a Better Leader?”
October 17th, 2021 | 45 mins 45 secs
done, faithful, good, influence, leader, leadership, matthew, parable, servant, well
If you have influence, you have leadership, and as a leader, you will leave a legacy that lasts beyond yourself. What do you want said about your role as a leader? This week, Pastor Brian uses a phrase from a parable in the Book of Matthew to illustrate how we can live our lives more like Jesus, and in turn become a better leader.
Asking For a Friend - “How Do I Deal With Difficult People?”
October 10th, 2021 | 36 mins 41 secs
anger, angry, challenging, enemy, forgive, forgiven, forgiveness, healing, hurt, talk, words
Jesus calls us to be kind and compassionate to one another, even forgiving each other, just as He forgave us. That’s easy to do with the people we like, but how should we treat the difficult people in our lives? During week four of our series, Pastor Brian uses Paul’s writing in the Book of Ephesians to give clear, biblical guidance on how to deal with difficult people.
Asking For a Friend - “Why Do Bad Things Happen?”
October 3rd, 2021 | 39 mins 11 secs
bad choices, forgiveness, healing, hurt, sickness, tragedy, victory
Why do bad things happen? Specifically, why do bad things happen to good people? During the third week of our series, Pastor Brian gives some biblical answers to this challenging question, and reminds us of the truth that Jesus went through the worst tragedy in history so we could experience the greatest victory.
Asking For a Friend - “How Do I Handle Stress?”
September 26th, 2021 | 45 mins 41 secs
aaron, cutting, hur, life, management, moses, pruning, stress, worship
Life is stressful. And there is nothing we can do to eliminate stress from happening. But there are ways we can manage it by relying on others, and learning what the Bible teaches about stress. During the second week of our series, Pastor Brian shows how with God, even when we have stress in our lives, we will have peace in our hearts.
Asking For a Friend - “How Do I Know God’s Will For My Life?”
September 19th, 2021 | 38 mins 32 secs
freedom, moral will, peace, personal will, purpose, sovereign will, unity, vision, will
God has plans for your life that He has already laid out and set in motion. When we realize what that plan is, we can start living our best life possible! But it isn’t always easy to see that plan and have confidence in what the right next step is. In the first week of our new series, Pastor Brian teaches from both a theological and practical standpoint of how to know God’s will for your life.
Make Room
September 12th, 2021 | 38 mins 55 secs
dino rizzo, excuse, invitation, invite, opportunity, servant, serve, small group
The kingdom of God is about making room. It is an open invitation to everyone, and all of us have a role to play in welcoming others and expanding the kingdom. As Queen City Church celebrates our third birthday today, we hear a special message from Church of the Highlands’ Pastor Dino Rizzo about what we can, and are called to do as a church: make room.
Vision Sunday
September 5th, 2021 | 43 mins 47 secs
building, clear, dream team, head quarters, small groups, vision
This week is vision Sunday. It is a day that is set aside for Pastor Brian to clearly share what God is doing in our church, and the new things that are soon to come. There are three major announcements this week, including small groups, the dream team, and the brand new "Queen City HQ".
Unstuck - “Giving”
August 29th, 2021 | 39 mins 55 secs
give, legacy, money, need, needs, sacrifice, steward, stewardship, strategy, tithe, tithing
Over the past year and a half, during the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s likely we’ve all felt stuck at some point. This series has showed us God’s plan for how we can get unstuck: by getting on mission. During our final week, Pastor Brian shows us one more way we can practically get on mission, serve others, worship God, and become unstuck.
Unstuck - “Reaching”
August 22nd, 2021 | 36 mins 3 secs
evangelize, gospel, invite, on mission, personal, reaching, relationship, responsibility, testify, testimony, unstuck
The greatest way to get unstuck is to get on mission. As Christians, we have a specific mission to reach people who are far from God, and lead them to a relationship with Him. During the third week of our series, Pastor Brian teaches us that it’s easier than we think to share our faith, and how it’s one of the greatest experiences we can have as a Christian.
Unstuck - “Serving”
August 15th, 2021 | 36 mins 36 secs
consistent, fulfillment, gifts, good works, identity, key, mission, purpose, servant, serve, serving, unlock
We all have a God-given mission to make an eternal difference in the lives of other people, and leaning into that mission is the best way to free yourself when you feel stuck. During this series, we will be talking about practical ways that we can get on-mission. This week, Pastor Brian tells us why one of the greatest ways to get unstuck is by serving.
Unstuck - "Help - I'm Stuck!"
August 8th, 2021 | 40 mins 45 secs
anxiety, depression, hurt, joy, lost, mission, peace, purpose, stuck
Everyone gets stuck from time to time, but if you’re still breathing, there is still hope. God has the power, wisdom, and vision to help you get unstuck. In the first week of our new “Unstuck” series, Pastor Brian outlines the topic we’ll be discussing over the next several weeks.
Summer Voices - "Prodigal Son"
August 1st, 2021 | 39 mins 30 secs
dad, embrace, father, josh turner, love, prodigal son, run, sin, unconditional, wait
God loves you. And no matter what you do, or how far you wander away, nothing can separate you from God’s love. During our final week of the Summer Voices series, we are joined by Pastor Josh Turner as he shares an encouraging message of how much God loves us, through the story of the prodigal son.
Summer Voices - "5x7"
July 25th, 2021 | 42 mins 43 secs
gateway church, guest, kaylyn pate, michael massey, sydney wertz, tiffany dace, wayne wilks, wisdom
The book of Proverbs says wisdom is more precious than gold. Wisdom is not just intellectual knowledge, it is the body of knowledge gained through experience. Since everyone has been through different experiences, everyone has their own wisdom to share. This week, we will be hearing from five different people serving on the leadership team within our church, and their answers to the question: What is the best wisdom you’ve received?
Summer Voices - "If Only It Were That Simple"
July 11th, 2021 | 33 mins 31 secs
ask, believe, brandon woodward, faith, prayer, trust, union city church, washington dc
Prayer - talking to God - is a privilege and a blessing that we have the ability to communicate with the creator of the universe. And while the act of praying is simple, the obedience associated with praying is a more complicated task. This week, we are joined by Pastor Brandon Woodward to learn more about a fundamental principle of Christianity - how we should pray.
Summer Voices - “Dealing with Detours”
July 4th, 2021 | 37 mins 11 secs
community, detour, friends, god’s plan, hope city church, pastor q, people, quovadis marshall, sins
Detours disrupt our plans, distract us, and delay us from getting to our destination. But detours can turn out for our good, even though for the moment they may feel bad. This week we are joined by Pastor Quovadis Mashall of Hope City Church in Iowa. Pastor Q shows us why we experience detours in life, and what to do when we find ourselves on one.
Summer Voices - “I’m Calling You Out”
June 27th, 2021 | 30 mins 57 secs
blood, crossroads, forgotten, healing, identity, neville, paco, pancham, skeptic, woman
Being called out is usually an uncomfortable situation, but when Jesus calls us out, it is always done out of love. Jesus never calls us out to tell us what we’ve done wrong. During our first week of the Summer Voices series, Neville “Paco” Pancham of Crossroads Church shows us that when Jesus calls us out, it is to reveal something for us, and in us, that we can’t get from anyone but Him.