Queen City Church

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

331 episodes of Queen City Church since the first episode, which aired on September 16th, 2018.

  • When The Unexpected Happens

    June 20th, 2021  |  31 mins 52 secs
    chase, faith, highlands, joy, pursue, relationship, service, steve blair, truth

    When the unexpected happens, it can leave us feeling broken and discouraged. But discouragement is not where we have to stay, and not what God calls for our lives. This week, we are joined by Pastor Steve Blair of Church of the Highlands to learn how to respond when the unexpected happens.

  • 1 John - "God's Love Language"

    June 13th, 2021  |  36 mins 18 secs
    affirmation, breakthrough, gifts, grow, love, love language, obedience, service, time, touch, worship

    God created everyone in a unique way, which means everyone has a unique way they need to be loved. Knowing someone's love language is key to having the best possible relationship with them, and according to author Gary Chapman, there are five different love languages. In our fifth and final week of the 1 John series, Pastor Brian explores the idea of God’s own love language, and what it would be.

    QCC Bible Resources

  • 1 John - "Look Closer"

    June 6th, 2021  |  35 mins 58 secs
    christian, love, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, revelation, serve

    Love is at the very foundation of Christianity. It’s not just part of the teaching; it IS the teaching. As Pastor Brian continues from the book of 1 John, we hear John continue to talk about love, but in a new way. John tells us to look closer at what love is, and more importantly, who love is.

  • 1 John - “What Does Love Require?”

    May 30th, 2021  |  35 mins 7 secs
    agape, care, eros, friendship, give, love, philia, relationship, serve, storge, unconditional

    Jesus was the perfect example of what real love is: something that isn’t just said, but shown. During our third week of the series, Pastor Brian teaches about the type of love God has for us - agape love - and what it takes for us to love people the way Jesus does.

  • 1 John - “Wasted Love”

    May 23rd, 2021  |  33 mins 21 secs
    desires, generosity, humility, integrity, love, lust, pride, samaria, well, woman, world

    Life is beautiful, and every day is an absolute gift from God with so much to be grateful for. But there are some things of the world we need to be conscious of, and not waste love on. During week two of our series on the book of 1 John, Queen City Church’s own Nat Miller shares on this topic, and shows how we can avoid wasting our love.

  • 1 John - "Missing The Mark"

    May 16th, 2021  |  41 mins 51 secs
    1 john, first john, forgiveness, healing, john, love, mercy, sin

    We are starting a new series focusing on the book of 1 John. During week one, Pastor Brian takes a closer look at what John has to say on the topic of sin, and the steps we must take in order to find healing and forgiveness for our sins.

  • Mother's Day, 2021

    May 9th, 2021  |  42 mins 43 secs
    celebrate, children, dating, family, love, marriage, mom, mother, mother’s day, parenting

    To all the Moms, biological or not, happy Mother’s Day from Queen City Church! This week, Pastor Brian and his wife Heather invite us into a conversation around how biblical motherhood looks - gleaning from Heather’s experience. From pre-motherhood to pouring into husbands and kids, Moms are a gift from God, and we celebrate you!

  • Stand Firm Love Well - “How To Love Well”

    May 2nd, 2021  |  42 mins 30 secs
    bridge builder, commandment, influence, label, love, sin, tax collector, time, zacchaeus

    Jesus said we can prove to the world that we are His disciples by the way we love others. And Jesus was the ultimate example of using the ‘Stand Firm Love Well’ principle to build bridges, not walls. During our final week of the series, Pastor Brian shares the story of Zacchaeus the tax collector, and the things Jesus did to love him well.

  • Stand Firm Love Well - "How To Stand Firm"

    April 25th, 2021  |  38 mins 51 secs
    abednego, courage, faith, fear, fire, influence, inspire, meshach, shadrach

    When we stand up and stand firm against world opinion, Jesus will stand up for us to His father in heaven. In week 3 of the series, Pastor Brian uses the story of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego to show what it takes to stand firm, and how it will impact your influence on others.

  • Stand Firm Love Well - “Learning The Hard Way”

    April 18th, 2021  |  48 mins 13 secs
    courage, culture, evil, exalt, humble, humiliation, humility, pride

    If we refuse to acknowledge and correct pride, it will take control of our lives. But God has shown us in the Bible how to humble ourselves, overcome pride, and avoid a difficult lesson. As we continue this series focusing on the Book of Daniel, we see how pride can stop progress, and cause us to learn the hard way.

  • Stand Firm Love Well - “The Uncomfortable Middle”

    April 11th, 2021  |  40 mins 57 secs
    compromise, confrontation, culture, daniel, grace, identify, truth

    We live in a culture that believes you have to choose between standing firm and loving well. In this series, we will discover that God calls us to do both. During week one, Pastor Brian shows how we can stand firm, while loving well, in “The Uncomfortable Middle”.

  • Folding = Flexing

    April 4th, 2021  |  25 mins 57 secs
    death, easter, forgiven, future, good friday, life, resurrect, resurrection

    Jesus died so that we could have life, eternal and abundant life, with Him. This Easter Sunday, Pastor Brian shares the great news of the Gospel, and how through Jesus’ resurrection, it is impossible for anything to keep its hold on you.

  • Parables - “The Other Side Is No Longer An Option”

    March 28th, 2021  |  44 mins 37 secs
    care, compassion, good samaritan, hurting, love, ownership, parable, people, physical needs

    The Bible tells us that loving God includes loving people. Regardless of how unequipped you may feel, God wants to, and will, use you in order to make a difference and eternal impact in the lives of others. This week, Pastor Brian shares the parable of The Good Samaritan to show why we need to live under the belief that the other side is no longer an option.

  • Parables - “Show Me The Money”

    March 21st, 2021  |  44 mins 12 secs
    argument, dating, disagreement, divorce, fight, forgive, forgiveness, healing, hope, marriage, parable, reconciliation, relationship

    Jesus is clear in His teachings that forgiveness is absolutely necessary. But forgiveness can seem nearly impossible when you don’t fully understand what it means. Visiting this week from Gateway Church, guest speaker Jelani Lewis uses one of Jesus’ parables to show what forgiveness is, why forgiveness matters, and how we forgive.

  • Parables - “A Parable of Contrast”

    March 14th, 2021  |  30 mins 14 secs
    contrast, judge, parable, persistent, prayer, relationship, sacrifice, widow

    When we pray persistently, without losing hope, we put our trust in God. During week two of our series, Lauren Sheppard teaches on a parable where God tells us that the purpose of prayer is simply to always pray, and never give up.

  • Parables - “The Seed, The Sower, and The Soils”

    March 7th, 2021  |  48 mins 45 secs
    crowded heart, hard heart, harvest, heart, parable, seed, shallow heart, soil, sower

    The Bible says Jesus never spoke to crowds without using parables. A parable is a story, told alongside a truth, to help you understand that truth. During this new series leading up to Easter Sunday, Pastor Brian will be looking deeper into some of the parables to show us what Jesus was saying and teaching as he told these stories.