Queen City Church

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

331 episodes of Queen City Church since the first episode, which aired on September 16th, 2018.

  • God’s Vision For Your Life - “What Is God’s Vision For Your Life?”

    August 11th, 2024  |  33 mins 29 secs
    disciple, exodus, freedom, future, israel, israelites, purpose, redeem, vision

    During this series, we’ll explore how God calls us to fulfill our mission. In week one, Pastor Brian outlines the four foundational elements of God’s vision for us; the same ones God shared with the Israelites in the book of Exodus.

  • The Holy Bible - “How Can I Have A Relationship With The Bible?”

    August 4th, 2024  |  46 mins 33 secs
    bible, devotional, reading plan, study, translation

    If you ever find yourself feeling intimidated, insecure, or guilty about your relationship with The Bible, today’s message is for you. As we finish our series, Pastor Brian shares a very practical message designed to equip you to be a follower of Jesus not just on Sunday, but every day of your life.

  • The Holy Bible - "Can The Bible Be Trusted?"

    July 28th, 2024  |  40 mins 11 secs
    accurate, bible, conviction, faith, historical, prophetic, scientific, trust

    Having a deep relationship with God involves having a deep relationship with the Bible. And trust is central for any healthy relationship. In the second week of our series on the Bible, Pastor Brian shares why we can trust every page of God’s word.

  • The Holy Bible - "What Is The Bible All About?"

    July 21st, 2024  |  34 mins 39 secs
    bible, book, god’s word, lamp, light, set apart, theology

    Today we are starting a three week series all about the Bible. The goal of the next few weeks is that you would fall in love with the Bible as you gain a deeper understanding of what this amazing book is all about.

  • Summer Voices - "5x7"

    July 7th, 2024  |  45 mins 52 secs
    jackie kissing, mico coleman, noah bates, rachel diaz, ryan anthony, summer, voices

    God can share and teach so much to you over the course of a year. As we conclude our Summer Voices series, we hear from five different members of our church as they share the number one thing that God has taught them in the last year.

  • Summer Voices - "I Was Built For This"

    June 30th, 2024  |  34 mins 32 secs
    david, goliath, identity, light of the world church, mike, scruggs, slingshot, stone

    God created you just the way He intended. As we continue our Summer Voices series, Pastor Mike Scruggs from Light of the World Church shares from the story of David and Goliath to illustrate how someone out there needs exactly what God has in store for you to give.

  • Summer Voices - “Doing Great Things In Difficult Times”

    June 23rd, 2024  |  35 mins 33 secs
    believe, daniel, hear, lane, lion, model, myth, obey, tom

    Regardless of whether we find ourselves in righteous or unrighteous situations, we have the power to accomplish great things for God if we embrace the right model. This week in our Summer Voices series, he hear a message from Pastor Tom Lane as he shares the process and common misconceptions of following God.

  • Summer Voices - “The Rhythm Of Testimony”

    June 16th, 2024  |  46 mins 12 secs
    belief, dusty dean, heartland, miracles, power, testify, testimony

    When we tell others what God has done, it has the ability to multiply the miracle of God’s power. This week of our Summer Voices series, we are joined by Pastor Dusty Dean from Heartland Church in Carrollton, Texas. He brings a message about the power and principles of personal testimony.

  • Summer Voices - "The Testing Of A Dream"

    June 9th, 2024  |  37 mins 22 secs
    coat, dereck, dream, forgiveness, frymier, isolation, joseph, purpose, rejection, steward, technicolor, temptation

    God has a specific plan and purpose for your life. He has given you dreams, and every step you take towards achieving those dreams is valuable. This week, Pastor Dereck Frymier from Legacy Church in Indianapolis, Indiana, shares a message about preparing for the tests that will come your way as you steward the dream God has given you.

  • Summer Voices - "Stretch Out"

    June 2nd, 2024  |  35 mins 35 secs
    hand, healing, luke, show, stand, stretch, trust, wait

    Summer is here, which means it’s time again for our Summer Voices series where we will hear from voices both inside and outside our church. To start off the series, Neville 'Paco' Pancham joins us to discuss how to experience the fullness of God."

  • Elephant In The Room - "I Doubt Myself"

    May 26th, 2024  |  30 mins 25 secs
    calling, doubt, grow, past, personality, purpose, self doubt, trust

    Of all the things we doubt, one of the fastest ways to stunt our Christian growth is when we doubt ourselves. As we finish the series this week, Pastor Brian teaches on self-doubt and how your purpose is not lost regardless of what you think about yourself.

  • Elephant In The Room - "Unanswered Prayer"

    May 19th, 2024  |  38 mins 51 secs
    communications, plan, prayer, praying, relationship

    Prayer is an amazing, powerful gift from God, but it can also be confusing. As we continue with our series, Pastor Brian shares the purpose of prayer, and what to do when you feel like your prayers are not being answered.

  • There Will Always Be Enough

    May 12th, 2024  |  32 mins 27 secs
    elijah, miracle, mother, provide, son, trust

    There is a big difference between trusting in God and trusting in an outcome. This Mother’s Day, we hear from Heather Cromer as she shares a story from the Bible that displays God’s steadfast love, and promise to always provide for our needs.

  • Elephant In The Room - "Pain And Suffering"

    May 5th, 2024  |  33 mins 51 secs
    choice, deconstruct, doubt, doubting, free will, fruit, love, paint, suffering

    A life with Jesus is undoubtedly the best life you can live. But even after you have committed to following Jesus, you will still experience pain and suffering. As we continue this series looking into infrequently-discussed topics within the church, Pastor Brian teaches on the reason for, and origin of, human pain and suffering.

  • Elephant In The Room - "Deconstruction"

    April 28th, 2024  |  32 mins 11 secs
    beliefs, deconstruct, deconstruction, destruction, discipleship, doubt, faith, filter

    Asking questions about your belief system is part of the maturity process of your faith journey. As we continue discussing often looked-over topics, Jasmine Miller shares a message on faith deconstruction, and how it can be done in a healthy, healing way in order to bring you even closer to Jesus.

  • Elephant In The Room - "Church Hurt"

    April 21st, 2024  |  42 mins 27 secs
    abandoned, church hurt, disappointed, fall, mislead

    During this series, we are looking at challenging topics that are often glossed over. This week, Pastor Brian addresses a very complex subject that causes so many people to doubt God, walk away from God, and walk away from the Church. If you’ve experienced church hurt, we hope this message will bring peace and hope, and begin leading you toward healing.