Queen City Church

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

331 episodes of Queen City Church since the first episode, which aired on September 16th, 2018.

  • Elephant In The Room - "God And Science"

    April 14th, 2024  |  37 mins 6 secs
    apologetics, ayers, caleb, deconstruction, doubt, faith, science

    God loves people of faith, and to be people of faith we have to deal with our doubt. As we continue into week two of our series on doubt, we are joined by own very own Caleb Ayers as he shows three things that can help us when it comes to the topic of God and science.

  • Elephant In The Room - "Dealing With Doubt"

    April 7th, 2024  |  30 mins 33 secs
    abraham, doubt, doubting, question, thomas, unknown

    This week we are starting a new series on an uncomfortable feeling that is often overlooked: doubt. But unaddressed doubt has the ability to choke out your faith. During today’s message, Pastor Brian shares three encouraging moments in The Bible where people experienced doubt in their faith.

  • Sunday To Sunday - "Sunday (Resurrection Sunday)"

    March 31st, 2024  |  30 mins 21 secs
    easter, hope, power, resurrection sunday, spirit

    When Jesus was resurrected on Sunday, He gave us three things: proof, power, and a promise. As we conclude our series on The Passion Week, Pastor Brian shares what happened on Resurrection Sunday (Easter), and the significance it has on our lives today.

  • Sunday To Sunday - "Saturday (Silent Saturday)"

    March 24th, 2024  |  36 mins 55 secs
    easter, passion week, resurrection, silent saturday, waiting, warring

    We have spent this entire series looking closely at Jesus’ actions during His last week on earth, and the significance of each day. This week, Pastor Brian discusses what Jesus did on Saturday, one day after Jesus died and one day before He would be resurrected from the tomb.

  • Sunday To Sunday - "Friday (Good Friday)"

    March 17th, 2024  |  33 mins 33 secs
    cross, crucified, healed, healing, heart, nail, passion week, sin, spear, thorns

    The day of The Passion Week that we now refer to as Good Friday was actually very painful for Jesus. But everything Jesus went through on that day means something for our lives now. For week five of the series, Lauren Sheppard teaches on the significance in Jesus’ suffering, and the healing we experience because of it.

  • Sunday To Sunday - "Thursday (The Last Supper)"

    March 10th, 2024  |  38 mins 47 secs
    easter, holy week, last supper, passion week, prayer, serve, spirit

    As we continue studying the Passion Week, it is important to remember that nobody knew what was coming, except for Jesus. While there wasn’t much account of what Jesus did on Wednesday, there was great detail given to Thursday’s events. This week, our very own Nat Miller shares a message on five principles that Jesus reminds the disciples during His last day and meal with them.

  • Sunday To Sunday - "Tuesday (Jesus Teaches At The Temple)"

    March 3rd, 2024  |  33 mins 14 secs
    commandment, debate, easter, love, passion, resurrection, temple

    Everything Jesus did during The Passion Week leading to Easter Sunday had a purpose. In today’s message, Pastor Brian outlines the deep significance of the events that took place on Tuesday, and how Jesus continued preparing himself and His followers for what was in store later that week.

  • Sunday To Sunday - "Monday (Jesus Clears The Temple)"

    February 25th, 2024  |  40 mins 3 secs
    anger, burden, discontent, fruitless, righteous, shortcuts, temple

    Jesus led a flawless and blameless life, even as he felt anger over misuse of the temple. During week two of the series, we look at the holy discontent Jesus holds for hypocrisy, and how his response should guide our own.

  • Sunday To Sunday - "Sunday (Palm Sunday)"

    February 18th, 2024  |  37 mins 26 secs
    easter, expectations, jerusalem, palm sunday, passion, sacrifice, worship

    Today we are starting a new series focused on the seven days leading up to Easter Sunday. To begin this day-by-day study of The Passion Week, Pastor Brian teaches on Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, and the significance of why He chose for it to happen the way it did.

  • Life Together - "Relationship Roadblocks"

    February 11th, 2024  |  43 mins 15 secs
    community, disillusionment, life group, philippians, relationships, small group, witness

    This week, we are joined by Pastor Noah Nickel of Kings Church in Cleveland, Ohio. He closes our series by revealing two opposing forces of staying committed to Biblical Community, and the ultimate benefit of not being dissuaded by them.

  • Life Together - "Rows And Circles"

    February 4th, 2024  |  40 mins 34 secs
    acts, circles, community, groups, relationships, rows, small groups

    We have spent this series looking at the world’s view of community, the ways it isn’t working, and why God’s plan is better. This week Pastor Brian highlights the two primary ways we tend to interact with others, and how it translates to our experience in church and with Biblical Community.

  • Life Together - “Community: It's Work, But It's Worth It”

    January 28th, 2024  |  35 mins 30 secs
    community, diversity, group, romans, united, unity

    The benefits of having a healthy, tight biblical community far outweigh any of the challenges it takes to get there. As we continue through our series of prioritizing community, Pastor Brian teaches from the conclusion of the Book of Romans to show why and how we should pursue unity.

  • Life Together - "The Benefits Of Community"

    January 21st, 2024  |  30 mins 48 secs
    abednego, community, freedom, friends, friendships, group, meshach, shadrach

    Your relationships will determine the quality and direction of your life. During week two of the series, Pastor Brian teaches from a miraculous story in the Bible in order to reveal the areas of our life that are affected by the community we choose surround ourselves with.

  • Life Together - "Who's Holding Up Your Hands?"

    January 14th, 2024  |  34 mins 33 secs
    aaron, community, help, hur, loneliness, moses, relation, relationships

    You were made by God to be in relationship with others. As we start this new series, Pastor Brian shares a message about the necessity of relationships formed in biblical community; the people in your life with whom you are intentionally following Jesus.

  • Return To Your First Love

    January 9th, 2024  |  45 mins 18 secs
    redo, relationship, remember, repent, return, saved

    Making the decision to follow Jesus is the greatest decision anyone can make. And the time immediately following can be marked by a newfound excitement and zeal. But as time passes, it’s easy to fall out of that and become less spiritually active. As we conclude first conference, Pastor Brian brings a timely message reminding us to return to that once-passionate state of loving, worshipping, and serving Jesus.

  • Time

    January 8th, 2024  |  35 mins 16 secs
    faith, fight, good, keep, race, run, timothy

    During night two of first conference, Pastor Dan Lian brings a message about how precious time is, and the way Jesus says we should spend the time we have left.