Queen City Church

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

331 episodes of Queen City Church since the first episode, which aired on September 16th, 2018.

  • Dare To Hope

    January 7th, 2024  |  35 mins 12 secs
    discouraged, encouraged, future, hope, hopeless, joy, lamentations, portion

    When you find yourself in a perpetual struggle of some kind, the choice to give in and give up hope can be so tempting. But as followers of Jesus, we know we are not going to lose our hope, because we have not lost our God. This week, Pastor Jason Laird joins us with a message teaching what to do in a seemingly hopeless situation.

  • The Most Powerful Adverb Of All Time

    December 23rd, 2023  |  24 mins 37 secs
    biblical wisdom, brian cromer, christmas, church, church plant, cincinnati, encouragement, god, heaven, jesus, love, ohio, pastor, prayer, preaching, queen city, sermon, unconditional, withrow high school, words to live by

    Merry Christmas from Queen City Church! Each year, Christmas is an amazing display and reminder of God’s love for us. Today, Pastor Brian uses one of the most popular verses in the Bible to further explain the depth of God’s love.

  • Living Large - “3 Levels of Biblical Generosity”

    December 3rd, 2023  |  39 mins 39 secs
    extravagant offering, generous, giving, legacy, offerings, stewardship, tithing

    This week, we wrap up our series on Biblical Generosity by looking at three distinct levels of giving found in the Bible, and what it means to leave a lasting legacy.

  • 5 Lies, 3 Truths, 1 You

    November 26th, 2023  |  31 mins 34 secs
    humility, identity, purpose, truth, works

    When we set our identity to our own standards, or to other people’s thoughts, we can quickly start believing lies about who we are. But when we set our identity to how God created us, and what he speaks over us, we are aligning with truth that will both set us free and set us up for the life God has planned. This week, Nat Miller shares a message reminding us of the important truth that our identity is found in Christ alone.

  • Living Large - “What In The World Is Mammon?”

    November 19th, 2023  |  40 mins 20 secs
    generosity, give, mammon, money, secure, spirit, tithe

    Continuing into week three of our series, Pastor Brian defines mammon, and shows how it tries to take the place of God in our lives.

  • Living Large - “What In The World Is Tithing?”

    November 12th, 2023  |  36 mins 34 secs
    blessing, generosity, generous, obedience, tithe, tithing

    During week two of our series on Biblical Generosity, Pastor Brain clears up confusion and helps us understand, in a biblical way, what tithing is.

  • Living Large - "Its All About The Heart"

    November 5th, 2023  |  41 mins 46 secs
    generosity, generous, giving, grateful, heart, selfish

    This week we are starting a new message series on the topic of biblical generosity. Pastor Brian begins week one by showing how the first step toward biblical generosity is dealing with and developing your heart.

  • Truly Free - "How Do We Receive The Holy Spirit?"

    October 29th, 2023  |  48 mins 6 secs
    baptism, baptize, holy spirit, immerse, overcome, saved, spirit baptism, water baptism

    The Holy Spirit gives you the power to walk in the life of freedom that God paid for you to have. As we conclude our Freedom series, Pastor Brian teaches on the three types of Baptisms described in the Bible, and how they all work together to allow us to live our best possible life.

  • Truly Free - "Who Is The Holy Spirit?"

    October 22nd, 2023  |  37 mins 31 secs
    advocate, ephesians, free, freedom, holy spirit, trinity

    During the final two weeks of the Truly Free series, Pastor Brain concludes the series by teaching on how freedom is not defined by what is absent; freedom is defined by who is present.

  • Spiritual Friendships

    October 15th, 2023  |  44 mins 5 secs
    accountability, columbus, community, ethos, friendship, jordan smucker, loneliness

    During the creation, God established that loneliness is not good for mankind. This week we are joined again by Pastor Jordan Smucker of Ethos Church in Columbus, Ohio. He brings a message showing how having correct community and spiritual friendships are just as crucial today as they have ever been.

  • Truly Free - "Freedom From Shame"

    October 8th, 2023  |  34 mins 55 secs
    comparison, confess, cover, genesis, guilt, hide, shame

    As we continue our Truly Free series, Jasmine Miller shares a message showing what it takes to find healing from shame in order to experience a life of freedom.

  • Truly Free - "Freedom From Lust"

    October 1st, 2023  |  41 mins 32 secs
    addiction, honesty, impure, lust, porn, pornography, purpose, sexual, sin, wisdom

    To experience freedom is to break the chains of strongholds in our lives. This week, Pastor Brian teaches on what we should be running toward as we follow Jesus’ command to run from sexual sin.

  • Truly Free - "Freedom From Pride"

    September 24th, 2023  |  37 mins 18 secs
    free, freedom, pride, prideful, rebel, repent

    This week we pick back up our Truly Free series by looking at the challenges that prideful self-reliance can bring, and how true freedom is found in full submission to our perfect Father.

  • Something New

    September 17th, 2023  |  39 mins 38 secs
    community, connect, disciple, groups, mobilize, saved, serve, vision

    As we gather this Sunday celebrating 5 years as a church, Pastor Brian shares vision of things to come, and how we can more fully realize God’s vision for our lives.

  • Truly Free - "The Freedom Found In Forgiveness"

    September 10th, 2023  |  37 mins 2 secs
    bitterness, forgive, forgiveness, freedoms, justice, reconcile, reconciliation

    Even though forgiveness is always the right choice, it isn’t always easy to do. This week, Pastor Brian teaches on the biblical connection between freedom and forgiveness, and how we cannot experience true freedom until we truly forgive.

  • Truly Free - "The Truth About Lies"

    September 3rd, 2023  |  38 mins 6 secs
    change, control, doubt, free, freedom, heal, kindness, repentance

    We have a loving, caring God who desires for all of us to experience freedom in our lives. But one way to miss out on that freedom is when we believe and buy into the lies told to us by the enemy. This week, Lauren Sheppard tells us the truth about lies, and how our lives can be transformed by fully trusting in God.