Queen City Church

Queen City Church | Cincinnati, OH

About the show

Welcome to the Queen City Church Podcast! Queen City Church is located in Cincinnati, Ohio and led by Pastors Brian and Heather Cromer. Our mission is to reach all people and teach them to have a relationship with God that gets better and better.

We hope these messages encourage and inspire you, and help point you toward your next step in your relationship with God.

For more information, visit queencitypeople.com or find us on social media at @queencitypeople.

Queen City Church on social media


  • X’s and O’s - “Closing the Gap"

    February 28th, 2021  |  41 mins 41 secs
    argument, communication, distance, expectation, fight, gap, honesty, truthfulness, unrealistic

    When expectations don’t meet reality, it creates distance between two people. Whether our response to this distance is positive or negative, there’s still a gap of unmet expectations. In the final week of our relationship series, Pastor Brian shows us how to “close the cap” in all of our relationships through one important principle.

  • X’s and O’s - “Run!"

    February 21st, 2021  |  38 mins 18 secs
    accountability, awareness, boundary, cheating, infidelity, porn, pornography, protection, purity, secret, temptation, trigger

    Whether you are married, dating, or single, the strong temptations of sexual sin exist. Because of how destructive it can be, God commands us not to fight, but to sprint from it. During week three of our series, Pastor Brian shows what to run from, and what to run to, in order to avoid sexual sin.

  • X’s and O’s - “The Greatest Need of the Opposite Sex”

    February 14th, 2021  |  47 mins
    dating, love, marriage, married, relationship, respect, single

    God has a plan for each one of our relationships, and a specific plan for the relationship we have with our significant other. In week two of the series, Pastor Brian shows how to succeed in your relationships by understanding what the Bible says about the greatest need of the opposite sex.

  • X’s and O’s - “Having The Right Depth Chart”

    February 7th, 2021  |  42 mins 45 secs
    advice, complete, dating, divorce, husband, marriage, relationship, spouse, wife

    Our relationships determine the quality and the direction of our lives, and The Bible has a lot to say about those relationships. Throughout this series, Pastor Brian will be teaching us what God’s word says about the best practices for relationships with others by having a personal relationship with Jesus as the foundation.

  • Baby Monsters - “Greed"

    January 31st, 2021  |  32 mins 46 secs
    consequences, focus, greed, posture, prevention, remember, selfishness, sin

    The purpose of this series is centered around the idea that sin never stays small. But if we can stop things in their infancy, they will never reach maturity. In the final week of our series, we hear from Jasmine Miller as she discusses how the Baby Monster of Greed affected Judas’ life, and how it can affect each of our’s too.

  • Baby Monsters - “Complacency”

    January 24th, 2021  |  47 mins 26 secs
    apathy, bathsheba, blinded, comfort, dangers, false security, ignorance, laziness, ming david, slow progress

    If you’ve ever found yourself feeling stuck or plateaued in your relationship with Jesus, you could be fighting the Baby Monster of “complacency”. During week three of the series, Pastor Brian discusses how we can slip into complacency, the dangers of it, and most importantly - how to avoid ever getting there.

  • Baby Monsters - “Compromise”

    January 17th, 2021  |  39 mins 24 secs
    boundaries, compromise, conviction, failure, god's vision, redemption, sampson

    When we live by standards that are lower than those set by God, we are allowing an unhealthy compromise, which is the quickest way to find yourself off the course of your God-given calling. In week two of this series, Pastor Brian uses the Biblical story of Sampson to show how even the strongest can fall because of compromises that are given room to grow. We can also see the steps to take in order to not let compromise take control of our lives.

  • Baby Monsters - “Comparison”

    January 10th, 2021  |  35 mins 5 secs
    contempt, focus, happiness, perseverance

    Small things grow into big things. In the same way, minor challenges in life can become consuming if left unchecked. In week one of our new series, Pastor Brian shows how and why we should tame the monster of comparison.

  • Silence In The Storm

    January 3rd, 2021  |  41 mins 55 secs
    anchor, dan lian, memorial hall, rock, silent, storm

    Our God is good, strong, and always present, but we can still go through experiences where that doesn’t always feel true. This week, we are joined by Pastor Dan Lian, who leads us through a story in the Bible where Jesus went silent in the middle of a storm. Pastor Dan reminds us that we have the word of God and the Spirit of God to guide us when it feels like He has gone quiet.

  • Christmas is a Magnifying Glass

    December 20th, 2020  |  30 mins 21 secs
    care, christmas, gospel, jesus, magnify, unconditional, understand

    Merry Christmas, Queen City Church! We are so happy to be celebrating with you! This season can be a lot of different things – great, stressful, expensive, overrated – And Christmas has a tendency to magnify those things. Today, Pastor Brian challenges us to not LET things be magnified, but to CHOOSE what is magnified. If we choose to magnify Jesus this Christmas, what would we see?

  • Legacy - "We Are Blessed"

    December 13th, 2020  |  27 mins 7 secs
    blessed, blessing, legacy, needs, offering, rich

    This is the third and final week of a series we are calling “Legacy”. Today also marks our once-a-year Legacy Sunday, where we receive a special offering, and give 100% of it away to individuals, organizations, local families, pastors, churches, and so much more. As Pastor Brian reminds us, we do this because we are blessed to be a blessing, representing the Father, everywhere we go.

  • Legacy - “Treasure in Heaven > Treasure on Earth”

    December 6th, 2020  |  35 mins 34 secs
    eternal, gain, generous, home, investment, legacy, treatise

    What are you motivated by? Are you living for your time here on earth, or in eternity? The choise is yours! During week two of our Legacy series, Pastor Brian shares the proper way to store and invest your treasures.

  • Legacy - “The Two Question Test”

    November 29th, 2020  |  36 mins 9 secs
    eternity, generosity, give, judgement, legacy, lend, offering, outlive

    'Legacy' means living in a way where your life outlives you. Jesus calls each of us to leave a legacy, and our response to that call will be revealed in the most important test we’re ever going to take - “The Two Question Test”.

  • What's God's Will For My Life?

    November 22nd, 2020  |  41 mins 13 secs
    commandment, meaning, moral will, obedient, personal will, providential will, sovereign will, surrender

    We are joined this week by one of Queen City Church’s overseers, Jason Laird of Sozo Church in San Francisco, California! He poses this question - wouldn’t it be nice if we could reach out and ask God, “What is your will for my life?” Pastor Jason teaches how the Bible answers this question with a special message on the topic of God’s will, and God’s plan for our lives.

  • The God I Never Knew - “The Baptism in The Holy Spirit”

    November 15th, 2020  |  49 mins 25 secs
    baptism, gift, holy spirit, relationship, salvation

    We have spent the past three weeks learning about the Holy Spirit, and the importance of not only knowing, but having a real relationship with Him. That relationship will provide us with amazing gifts that allow us to experience the best possible life we can. In the final week of our series, Pastor Brian teaches how we can fully access all of those benefits through “The Baptism in The Holy Spirit”.

  • The God I Never Knew - “The Gifts of The Holy Spirit”

    November 8th, 2020  |  47 mins 42 secs
    distinguish, faith, healing, holy spirit, knowledge, manifestation, ministry, miracles, motivational, perceiving, power, proclaim, prophecy, salvation, tongues, wisdom

    God created us with specific abilities and desires; these are gifts from God given to each of us. But the full expression of these gifts is found through a relationship with the Holy Spirit. In week three of our series, pastor Brian walks us through this complex gift from God - “The Gifts of The Holy Spirit”.