Queen City Church

Queen City Church | Cincinnati, OH

About the show

Welcome to the Queen City Church Podcast! Queen City Church is located in Cincinnati, Ohio and led by Pastors Brian and Heather Cromer. Our mission is to reach all people and teach them to have a relationship with God that gets better and better.

We hope these messages encourage and inspire you, and help point you toward your next step in your relationship with God.

For more information, visit queencitypeople.com or find us on social media at @queencitypeople.

Queen City Church on social media


  • The God I Never Knew - “The Fruit of The Holy Spirit”

    November 1st, 2020  |  35 mins 50 secs
    change, fruit, guide, holy spirit, life

    The Holy Spirit has the power to change you, and life is so much better when the Holy Spirit is a part of our every day life. But it’s important to realize that even with Him, real change doesn’t happen overnight - it happens over time. In week two of the series, Pastor Brian continues teaching the benefits to having a relationship with the Holy Spirit as he shows us “The Fruit of The Holy Spirit”.

  • The God I Never Knew - "The Person of The Holy Spirit"

    October 25th, 2020  |  32 mins 27 secs
    convict, convince, god i never knew, holy ghost, holy spirit, know god, leader, pastor robert morris, trinity

    We are starting a new series all about the Holy Spirit, based off the book “The God I Never Knew” by Pastor Robert Morris. The Holy Spirit is many things, but altogether, He is a helper. This week, Pastor Brian teaches on “The Person of the Holy Spirit”.

    The God I Never Kew (Amazon)

  • Church For All People

    October 18th, 2020  |  37 mins 50 secs
    ethos church, inn keeper, jordan smucker, neighbor, samaritan
    In the Bible, we see that Jesus really liked people who were nothing like Him; and people who were nothing like Him really liked Jesus. This week, we are joined by Pastor Jordan Smucker of Ethos Church in Columbus, Ohio. He teaches us, through the story of The Good Samaritan, how Jesus gives us a vision of what He wants our church to look like. 
  • Detox - " Post Detox"

    October 11th, 2020  |  33 mins 46 secs
    detox, grow, holy spirit, practical, priority, rule of 5, trust

    During our final week of the series, Pastor Brian discusses why he chose the topic of “Detox” - because a detox will set you up for long term success and growth, and God wants you to grow! But real, lasting growth takes time. Join as Pastor Brian shares how we can prepare ourselves to experience real, lasting spiritual growth.

  • Detox - “Relational Detox”

    October 4th, 2020  |  34 mins 48 secs
    hiding, isolating, memorial hall detox, relational relationship, relationships, victim

    Relationships will determine the quality and direction of your life, and throughout the pandemic, we may have let some relational toxins in. During week three of the our series, Pastor Brian discusses some negative things we may need to detox from, and how to appropriately position yourself above, below, and next to the right people.

  • Detox - “Emotional Detox”

    September 27th, 2020  |  39 mins 30 secs
    anger, depression, detox, emotion, emotional, fear, isolation, sad, sadness, sin, worry

    “Detox” means to remove unhealthy substances for a period of time, but emotions are not something we need to remove. Having emotions is not bad, and feeling them is not wrong, but being lead by our emotions is what leasds to problems. In week 2 of the series, Pastor Brian uses scripture to show us how to not be lead by our emotions, and in doing this, experience an “Emotional Detox”.

  • Detox - “Mental Detox”

    September 20th, 2020  |  37 mins 24 secs
    addiction, change, detox, impure, mental, remove, transform

    We are starting a new series this week designed to help all of us come out of a physical, emotional or spiritual slump we may have found ourselves in over the past 6 months. The first step in experiencing change is understanding that our lives move in the direction of our strongest thought. In week one, Pastor Brian invites us to let God transform you by changing the way that you think, and leads us through a 6-day “Mental Detox.”

  • Comeback Sunday - “Through The Roof”

    September 13th, 2020  |  33 mins 2 secs
    community, faith, friends, group, memorial hall, method, mission, whatever it takes

    This week marks the second birthday of Queen City Church, and the start of a new season as we begin in-person services at Cincinnati’s Memorial Hall! In a special message for Comeback Sunday, Pastor Brian teaches from a story in Mark Chapter 2 to show when you can’t get to Jesus by yourself, other people will help you get there.

  • Run It Back - “Why Can't I Stop Struggling With The Same Sin?"

    September 6th, 2020  |  35 mins 8 secs
    addiction, community, empathy, guilt, me too, memorial hall, right, shame, sin, struggle, wrong

    If you’ve ever had trouble breaking a sin habit, there’s a reason - because God never designed you to carry the weight of fixing yourself. In the final part of our series exploring topics from the past 100 weeks of Queen City Church, Jasmine Miller discusses how this cycle of sin occurs, and how we can find our way out of it, through community and through Jesus.

  • Run It Back - “Depression"

    August 30th, 2020  |  37 mins 5 secs
    comparison, deception, depression, emotion, help, isolation, lost, mental illness, redemption, suicide

    Depression. It is real, and unfortunately, so is the stigma attached to it. If you are in a dark place, we want you to know that you are accepted, and it is ok to not be ok. However, it’s not ok to stay that way. Reach out to a friend, family member, or professional and tell them what you’re going through. This week, Pastor Brian revisits a message from the “Silent Killers” series to share what the Bible teaches about the silent killer of depression, and what we can do if we find ourselves experiencing it.

    National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
    Bible Reading Resources: www.queencitypeople.com/bible

  • Run It Back - “Our Words Matter”

    August 23rd, 2020  |  27 mins 30 secs
    book of james, heart, powerful, revealing, run it back, tongue, words

    Our words carry such great power. The Bible says words have the power to bring life or death. But words don’t start at the mouth, they start at the heart. For week four of our series, Pastor Brian shares from the “Book of James” series and teaches why “Our Words Matter”.

  • Run It Back - “Rest Assured There is a Purpose and an End”

    August 16th, 2020  |  30 mins 16 secs
    assurance, church at home, it is finished, live through a bad day, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, purpose, run it back, tetelestai

    In the third week of our “Run It Back” series, where we’re revisiting messages from the first 100 weeks of our church, Pastor Brian shares from the “How to Live Through a Bad Day” series. The Bible reminds us that in the midst of a bad day, we can be assured that there is a purpose in our pain, and there is an end to our bad day.

  • Run It Back - “Fighting Right”

    August 9th, 2020  |  31 mins 25 secs
    church at home, conflict, fight, fighting right, forgive, goals, reconciliation, relationships

    As we continue to look back at messages from the first 100 weeks of our church, Pastor Brian revisits our relationship series: “Goals”. We all have goals for our relationships, but God also has goals for our relationships. This week, Pastor Brian talks about the goal of fighting right.

  • Run It Back - “I Was Made to Make a Difference”

    August 2nd, 2020  |  32 mins 2 secs
    change, church at home, fulfillment, make a difference purpose, plan, reason, run it back, why am i here

    This week, we are starting a series looking back at some of the messages from past 100 weeks of Queen City Church to “Run It Back” and share them again. In week one, Pastor Brian shares an important and timely reminder that despite everything happening as a result of Covid-19, your purpose - God’s purpose on your life - has not been canceled. Don’t forget the truth God promises each of us, “I Was Made to Make a Difference”.

  • 4 x 7

    July 26th, 2020  |  37 mins 15 secs
    church at home, coronavirus, covid 19, heather cromer, noah bates, quarantine, sam benton, season, tiffany dace

    The COVID-19 quarantine season can be easily summarized in one word: crazy. But if we take a minute to step back and look at what we've learned, how we've grown, and the unimaginable ways God has moved, we might choose to put a different label on it. This week, four members of the Queen City Church family - Tiffany Dace, Sam Benton, Noah Bates, and Heather Cromer - answer a questions given to them by Pastor Brian: "What is the number one thing God has taught you during this crazy season?"

  • The Third Option - "My Brother's Keeper"

    July 19th, 2020  |  38 mins 22 secs
    encourage, love, miles mcpherson, nurture, protect, rock church, third option

    To be a brother or sister’s keeper is to be someone who guards, nurtures and protects the honorable heart in another person. In the final week of our series “The Third Option”, Pastor Miles McPherson of the Rock Church brings a message discussing what it means to be a brother’s keeper, and ways we can all practice this biblical principal in our own lives.

    This series is based on Pastor Miles McPherson’s book, "The Third Option".
