Queen City Church
Queen City Church | Cincinnati, OH
About the show
Welcome to the Queen City Church Podcast! Queen City Church is located in Cincinnati, Ohio and led by Pastors Brian and Heather Cromer. Our mission is to reach all people and teach them to have a relationship with God that gets better and better.
We hope these messages encourage and inspire you, and help point you toward your next step in your relationship with God.
For more information, visit queencitypeople.com or find us on social media at @queencitypeople.
Queen City Church on social media
We Refuse to Live Life Alone - “Strictly Inclusive”
October 13th, 2019 | 41 mins 23 secs
accepted, belong, community, jesus, loved, refuse to live life alone, strictly inclusive, the church, the gospel
During week two of our series “We Refuse to Live Life Alone”, Pastor Brian discusses three areas of our lives that are strictly inclusive, and how they affect the relationships we have as a community of followers of Jesus.
We Refuse to Live Life Alone - “Friendship Facts”
October 6th, 2019 | 39 mins 54 secs
facts, friend, friendship, refuse to live life alone
We are not designed to live life alone, and we have a choice whether or not we do. During week one of our series, “We Refuse to Live Life Alone”, Pastor Brian talks about the value of our friendships, and how important it is to choose those people wisely.
You Asked For It - “How Can One Religion Be 'Right', And Another Religion Be 'Wrong'?”
September 29th, 2019 | 34 mins 12 secs
absolute truth, letters from a skeptic, relative truth, right religion, rzim.org, the case for faith, the life, the truth, the way, wrong religion, you asked for it
In the final week of our “You Asked For It” series, Pastor Brian covers the potentially uncomfortable topic of “How Can One Religion Be 'Right', And Another Religion Be 'Wrong'?”. Maybe you are personally wrestling with this question, and want to settle it in your heart. Maybe you know somebody else facing this question.Whether outward or inward, it is important you are equipped to have that conversation.
Literature Mentioned:
“The Case for Faith”, by Lee Strobel https://www.christianbook.com/faith-journalist-investigates-toughest-objections-christianity/lee-strobel/9780310339298/pd/339298“Letters from a Skeptic”, by Dr Gregory A Boyd & Edward K Boyd
https://www.christianbook.com/letters-from-a-skeptic/gregory-boyd/9781434799807/pd/799807If you have any questions about faith, or God and the Bible, you can visit RZIM.org
You Asked For It - “How Can I Stop Struggling With The Same Sin?”
September 22nd, 2019 | 35 mins 32 secs
cycle of shame, guilt, jasmine, miller, shame, struggle with same sin, you asked for is
Have you ever done something you didn’t mean to do? Have you struggled with shame in wondering why you continue doing what you know to be wrong? You’re not alone, not rejected, not unworthy; you are loved. This week, our special guest speaker Jasmine Miller discusses this topic in part three of our series, “How Can I Stop Struggling With The Same Sin?”
You Asked For It - “How Do I Hear God’s Voice?”
September 15th, 2019 | 37 mins 59 secs
ark of god, bible, church, god speaking, house of god, lamp of god, listening, samuel, worship, you asked for it
Regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey, God can and will speak to you. In order to hear God’s voice, it is important to properly position yourself for listening. During part two of our series, Pastor Brain explores ways you can do this as he answers the question, “How Do I Hear God’s Voice?”
For resources and Bible plans: queencitypeople.com/bible
You Asked For It - "How Do I Handle Stress?"
September 8th, 2019 | 38 mins 15 secs
dealing with stress, experience peace, gratitudes, handle stress, meditation, random acts of kindness, replay, seven hacks of happiness, stress, unplug, walks, work flow, you asked for it
In our new series titled “You Asked For It”, Pastor Brian will answer the most frequently asked questions from a survey taken by Queen City Church. Stress is on the rise, and affects all kinds of people. During stressful times, we must learn to rely on God’s word to maintain a life of peace and contentment. This week, Pastor Brian discusses the burdening question of “How Do I Handle Stress?”.
Vision Sunday
September 1st, 2019 | 47 mins 13 secs
clarity, clear, fall 2019, internship, kids, ministry, qci, qcu, qcy, queen city u, queen city university, queen city youth, space, vision, youth
Vision is extremely important in every aspect of life. During this week’s special message, Pastor Brian shares the vision of Queen City Church, and gives clarity as to where we’re going as a church in the coming months.
On Mission - "What Do I Say?”
August 25th, 2019 | 36 mins 33 secs
after, before, moment, on mission, problem, response, share jesus, share your church, share your story, solution, what do i say
God has strategically placed you exactly where you are for you to reach people, share your faith, and live on mission. This week, Pastor Brian concludes the series by discussing what you can say to others in order to practically share the message of Jesus.
On Mission - "What Do I Do?"
August 18th, 2019 | 37 mins 40 secs
agape, eros, follower, how, light in the darkness, on mission, phileo, storge, types of love
The greatest way to influence the world is by how you live your life. This week, Pastor Brian continues the series by discussing tangible ways to intentionally live your life on mission.
On Mission - "Why is it so Important?"
August 11th, 2019 | 43 mins 14 secs
be the church, on mission, pastor brian, why
Pastor Brian begins our new series by discussing reasons why it is so important to live your life on mission. Join us for this three-part series where we dive into what it means to not just attend church, but to be the Church!
Summer Voices - "Don't Forget" (5 x 7)
August 4th, 2019 | 46 mins 40 secs
2019, 5 on 7, august, developing leaders, guest speaker, summer voices, young communicators
We are closing out our Summer Voices series in a special way. Building and developing leaders is in the very heartbeat of our church, and this week we have the honor of hearing from 5 unique voices of leaders on our Dream Team (the volunteers that make church happen). Each speaker has seven minutes to communicate the message God has placed in their hearts, all revolving around the main idea of "Don't Forget."
Summer Voices - "What Are You Hearing?"
July 28th, 2019 | 40 mins 56 secs
gospel, gospel presentation, july, lamorris crawford, preach, summer, summer voices, testimonial
This week, we have the honor of hearing from a Cincinnati local legend, Lamorris Crawford, the chaplain of the Cincinnati Bengals. Pastor Lamorris shares his story of growing up, and demonstrates the gospel through his own experiences and the trials he faced in his upbringing.
Summer Voices - "3 Biggest Lessons From Planting a Church"
July 21st, 2019 | 30 mins 36 secs
heather, the prophetess
This week we have the honor of hearing from another part of the Cromer family, Pastor Brian's wife Heather Cromer, who shares her own perspective on the experience of planting Queen City Church. Pastor Heather shares three lessons from her own life that God has shown her in the months since the Cromer's dream of Queen City Church has become a reality.
Summer Voices - "Crisis of Faith"
July 14th, 2019 | 35 mins 4 secs
guest speaker, josh turner, summer voices
What do you do when you can’t see God in the middle of your circumstance? What is our response when when God’s timing isn’t our timing? Pastor Josh Turner of One Hope Ministries helps us see the answer through his own experiences with God.
Summer Voices - "For We Are Well Able"
July 7th, 2019 | 35 mins 37 secs
guest speaker, joshua, moses, old testament, summer voices, we are well able
There are countless challenges we all face in life, and with every challenge we are presented a choice to respond in faith or retreat in fear. This week, Pastor Josh Anderson of Seasons Church (soon to be planted in Denver, Colorado), shows that when we respond in faith, we are able to face anything because God is able.
Book of James - "The Power of Prayer"
June 30th, 2019 | 39 mins 18 secs
james, prayer, the book of james
Pastor Brian concludes our series on the book of James looking at the right view of prayer. Prayer is a conversation with God and essential in building and maintaining a real relationship with Him.